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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

rashes rashes rashes .
i dont feel like going to school tomorrow .

thruout the whole school day , i'll be scratching myself .
its itchy & its killing me .
ss nlevel is this friday . :/
i have not finish studying yet .
im dead , so dead .
i love tim !
i love tim !
i love tim ! :D
i love rainy weathers .
i love being random- like NOW !
i wanna cut my hair .
i miss shaheeraa .
i wanna make a study timetable .
i want to be motivated to study .
the rashes are killing me .
can i peel my skin off ?
fuckinggggggg itchy !


Saturday, July 28, 2007

you dont bother picking up after yourself
if you mess up things that are not yours ,
you'll just leave them the way it is
how irresponisble are you

you mess my stuffs
instead of putting them back where they're suppose to be ,
you mess them up even more

when you apologise ,
you sound so insincere
you dont even mean it
so why apologise

& you !
dont bother asking whats going on
i'll not tell you
why ?
cos last night you said that i treat you as a spare tire
so now , i wont tell you anything anymore
n o t h i n g

despite having promised you a gazillion times , i still go back on my word
i dont feel like opening up
i just want to be alone
am i feeling this way cos im just pms-ing
despite knowing about it , you still lost your temper

leave me alone
leave me alone now
i want to be alone in the stillness
without you nagging in my ears

you act so tough on the outside
but deep down inside , ha
- speechless

just leave me alone
why cant you respect that
i hate you when you're angry
just let me have my own space

from one small issue ,
you're making it bigger & bigger & bigger
& what i sense now is jealousy coming from you

each time you hurt me
i just bottle it up inside
all my emotions are stored
unable to open up

since you say i dont respect you
get lost , get out of my life
why are you still clinging onto something that is so screwed
let it go bitch , let it go

your words are fake
now i actually know how you feel
thruout this whole time , ive been the bitch
thank you

yes i admit ,
im in the wrong
i did not keep to the promise
i lied
i admit

you're not my mom
yet you're talking to me about respect
fuck off

now you say im self-centred
whatever to you
now call me useless

why thank you

leave me alone if you have nothing nice to say
i dont wish to see you at the moment
or even talk to you
you act as tho you care but you actually dont !

you dont even give me my own personal space
come on ,
everyone needs their own personal space
they cant be kept in a corner forever

the only reason why you're not leaving
is cos you have no friends to support you after it ends
thats the only reason why you're so afraid of it ending

according to you , the self-centred bitch , thats me !

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

nlevel chinese oral was a bitch . didnt understand the topic . the teachers had to explain in english . its a sure fail . :/ all my pens are slowly but surely going ink-less . this means i've gotta go pen shopping . but i just got these new pens yet the ink is cacat . well prelims are coming pretty soon . ss is on the 3rd . but everything officially starts on the 20th i think . oooh man nlevels are around the corner && ive yet to start studying studying . okay i think im gonna do very badly for nlevels . :/ i see everyone around me studying so hard yet i still dont have the motivation . i have no sense of urgency . okay the school is dumb . they are giving us hmwk after hmwk . instead of letting us study , they are just wasting our time with hmwk . arghhh . okay i think the chinese oral is crap . the first day was so easy , the second day alright - the topic was answer-able , but the third & final day , today , was difficult shit ! both the passage & the conversation . the conversation was "whats your character ?" omg !! i hate people asking me that question cos i never know how to answer that damn friggin question . & great i had to answer that question to the examiners . how on earth can i answer that question if i dont even know my character . i really have no idea whats my character . okay whatever to it . its over & im gonna fail . ooh wells . oooooh HAPPY BELATED SWEET 16 BIRTHDAY SHAHEERAA DEAR ! :DDD okay this week , theres quite a number of tests . first is literature , next is geog plate tectonics , finally there is chinese letter writing .

10 things i need to do :
1. studyyyyyy !
2. spend more time with tim :D
3. make shaheeraa's present ASAP
4. find someone with prisonbreak dvds (the whole set season 1 & 2)
5. shopping
6. read romance storybooks
7. exercise
8. go swimming
9. spend even more time with tim
10. studyyyy !!!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

okay ive not been blogging for some time already . no time at all ! well i cant remember what happened thruout my week . so i shall just update about yday .

morning exercise was alright . was hyper in class . disturbing everyone . haha . ooh wells . math tuition was cancelled . went to watch harry potter with tim . :DD the show was quite nice . have been trying to follow my study timetable . nlevel chinese oral is this coming tuesday . im not prepared at all . its raining now . love rainy weather . ooh yes she is staying TEN blocks away from me . :/ how horrible . gonna study bio after this . but before that , i gotta dry the clothes . later i think tracy & i are gonna call in pizza hut . oooh im so hungry . okay this is such a boring post . tong , i updated . :D goodbye readers .

Saturday, July 14, 2007

just came back from yvette's sweet 16 birthday party . :D

friday , 13/07/2007

happy sweet 16 birthday yvette .

her party wasnt too bad . ooh man her neighbour was so cute . 4 years old & has a good memory . (: well morning exercise was crap . the stupid instructor was a bitch . thats all ive gotta say . school was crap . had math tuition . stupid teacher gave me an olevel paper . all so crap . main point , today was crap except for the party & meeting tim after school . :D

thursady , 12/07/2007

watched beauty & the beast with mommy & tiffy . oooh such a romantic cartoon . love love love it ! nothing much happened .

okayy okayy i shall not rant my nonsense about her here . like maybe i shall just stop bothering about her . such a waste of my energy .

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

emdd photos are here ! :D

emdd clan :D

stupid boy looking at us taking the photo

english oral was a bitch . i think i did super badly . arghh . my conversation sucked . okay shall not talk about it . it sucked thats the main point . well tomorrow i have to hand in lit . & i have no idea what on earth is the poem talking about . i have geog test too . & i have no mood to study . well watching deal or no deal now . whooohoo ! i won the bet within my family ! first time in so episodes . :DDDD in the waiting room waiting for our turn for oral , the two sharifah's were making the group of us laugh like shit . all of us needed to pee & we all had to tahan till after our oral ! haha .

yday , there was assembly . it was about pets . so i took home a brochure for tiffy to look thru to see that its not easy to look after a dog . okay i cant really remember what happened yday .

okay im feeling agitated . like so neh . gosh .

Monday, July 09, 2007

saturday , went out with tim for lunch & stuffs . :DD secret . then headed to tampines mrt to meet narina & marissa . then everyone hopped onto the train as we went passed their station . ooh everyone was pretty . all dressed up ! (: after emdd , headed for dinner with sabrina , tong , marissa & narina . juicy gossips ! haha . narina's mom send us home .

sunday , went for 11 oclock mass with tim . simon joined us but was late . after mass , wanted to go out for lunch with tim , simon & jon . but my mom didnt allow . ooh wells . came home did a bit of studying . oooh yes shaheeraa called me ! :DDDD realised how much i miss her .

today , school was alright i guess . was nearly late . ran from the bus stop to school . superrrr tiring plus it was so early in the morning & i was still in lala land . mrsN is such a better english teacher compared to mrsG ! i wanna change my english teacher . oooh please let mrsG resign or something so mrsN can take over . after school took 31 with tong . for the first time in my life , the 31 bus was empty ! :D headed to tm to get ham & some oral book . came home , ate , slept , had tuition .

arghh . my com is such a neh-neh-pok . i cant seem to be able to receive emdd photos from tong . bleahh . & im coming down with the flu as tiffy says "she's got the sniffles too !" :D english nlevel oral is this wednesday . now im starting to panic a little . all the negative what if questions are popping in my head . well i shall upload the photos when i receive them . goodbye world . shall wait for desperate housewives to start . :D

Friday, July 06, 2007

help ! im so super duper bored ! im finding quizzes & doing them . arghh . still feeling crap . but this quiz is real ! bleah .

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will only have one true love.

Although you may have been hurt before, you tend to bring very little scars into new relationships.

You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.

In fights, you speak your mind and don't hold back. You know you're right, and you can get quite angry about it.

You have a hard time ending relationships, even if the other person says it's over.


today in school it was just daphne & me . tong didnt come & sabrina had to go off for emdd rehearsal . school was a waste of time . had four free periods . mrsL went for emdd & mrL had to do some nonsense . arghh . after school met tim & we went home together .

tomorrow is emdd . i dont feel excited . i cant really be bothered . i dont even feel like dressing up . its all so neh .

on thursday , when i woke up i saw a cockroach on my wall next to me ! it was gross shit . tong didnt come to school . was alright with sabrina & daphne . talked to them like normal ! :D

arghhh . im feeling all so lazy to blog . like nothing interesting is happening in my life . :/ im feeling crap . bleahh .
im taking a longer time to forgive people these days . i dont know whats wrong with me . now even a good nights rest wont help . usually it does . now it takes me forever to forgive . i think my ego is just getting bigger & bigger . ooh wells .

life stinks . we must face the fact & try to overcome it .

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

ooh my goodness . deal or no deal makes my heart beat like crazyy . i can get a heart attack ! pheeew. . im still out of breathe . oooh man my whole family was like shouting to the tv . haha . as tho the guy playing can hear us . okayy ive yet to do my review . so malas . & guess what im gonna fail my geog . nothing surprising .

this is the farmer sowing his corn ,
that kept the rooster that crowned in the morn ,
that walked the priest all shaven & shorn ,
that married the man all tattered & torn ,
that kissed the maiden all forlorn ,
that miled the cow with the crumpled horn ,
that tossed the dog ,
that worried the cat ,
that killed the rat ,
that ate the malt ,
that lay in the house that Jack built .

Your Stress Level is: 46%

You are somewhat prone to stress, especially when life gets hard.
When things are good, you resist stressing over little problems.
But when things are difficult, you tend to freak out and find it hard to calm down.

finally everything is okay between her & me . :D let her know how i felt . things are cool between us . arghh . doing english holiday homework now . ive gotta watch a documentary about a natural disaster then write a review . :/ okay ive got geog test tomorrow & ive yet to touch my books . ive gotta start studying !! i keep on telling myself that but i cant seem to be motivated to study . english nlevel oral is on the 11th ! ahhhhh . - runs around in circles screaming , panicking . okayy you know what ive gotta do . ive gotta make a study timetable . i shall do just that while waiting for my deal or no deal to start . love love that show . it gets me hooked onto it . :D i even play the homeviewers contest . fun ! yday had ss test on health . thank goodness it was openbook . if not i would have failed so badly . yay ! tong helped me find the site to get my movie review done . thanks ! :DDD tim's sick . didnt meet him today . :/
arghh . my com is lagging . thank goodness blogger has the autosave thingy . if not i'd be retyping my post over & over again . cos i keep on deleting my whole damn post & its frustrating emdd is this saturday yet i feel its a long way more . i have no sense of urgency . why cant i have photographic memory . like its super cool ! all i have to do is like read it once & i'll remember it all . okayy off to get ready to watch deal or no deal !

goodnight people .

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

i guess its time to let go of grudges ?

school have been alright i guess . have not been speaking to them . after school , bus rides home with tim , tong & izzy have been fun . i feel as tho i have nothing to blog about . all i know is that im feeling super down now & im lagging behind in homework .

my blog is getting more boring by the second . so i shall just keep quiet now .

goodnight .