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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Sunday, September 30, 2007

liar, heartless. that's what i'm called. is it true? i've got some self-reflection to do. are friends more important? freedom is what you want. i give you freedom. you are the one who don't. if this is so constrain, then why is this still going on? i want you to think, is this still going on for the status? do you really want this? i need the both of us to do some self-reflecting.

i love you.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

unproductive day. can't wait till nlevels are over. i feel like throwing all my books away. i see everyone studying so hard & i'm looking at myself & i feel... :/ tomorrow is a new day, i hope i'm able to focus & study. i hope tomorrow won't be another unproductive day. i think i just need better time management. okay goodbye for now. shall go & play neopets & watch tv .

Monday, September 24, 2007

16th september
happy birthday sharifah boobies !

21st september
happy birthday kitty !

23rd september
happy birthday papa ! :D

yesterday's lunch was great . ate till i felt like exploding ! today was pretty unproductive . tiffy & i were singing christmas carols . tomorrow , i've gotta study . nlevels are seven days away . neopets is fun ! goodbye world .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

received our report books on monday . pretty pleased with my prelims . went for lunch with tim after school . headed home & slept till 7 . -unproductive .
gave school a miss today & on tuesday . studied a little .
back to school tomorrow . i predict it'll be an unproductive day tomorrow .
11 days to nlevels .
mom bought ben&jerry's yday . :D
currently waiting for tim to deliver my dinner to me .
my personal delivery boy . :DDD
dad's birthday is this sunday .
please send me the photos tong . thank you .

Sunday, September 16, 2007

You are a Romantic Realist

Okay, so you fall in the middle.
You know that love isn't like a greeting card...
Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings.

You are the best of both worlds
Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious.Almost any guy can find balance with you.

Your Learning Style: Personal and Passionate

You are very flexible and curious about the world. Human understanding is very important to you.

You Should Study:

Art history
Art therapy
Foreign Languages and Literature
International Studies

this is what happens when you're as bored as me .

on friday , tong & i were alone in class . took photos . went for tuition . we talked tho it wasnt much . thanks for telling me stuffs . it felt good .

on saturday , did a little math in the afternoon . went for novena in the evening .

today , went for mass . the whole day has been crap . came home , studied or at least tried to study natural vegetation . hoping to complete the chapter by tomorrow .
fat hope trisha !

thats about whatever happened during this weekend of mine . nothing much . pretty unproductive . :/

Thursday, September 13, 2007

11th sept
happy birthday ally !

12th sept
happy birthday darling !

13th sept
happy birthday daphne !

school these few days have been a waste of my time . we do nothing in school except talk . we are suppose to self-study but its impossible as the class is frigging nosiy . so how on earth can we memorise anything ? the only reason im going to school is because i have no more letters to spare . the school is bleah . we are having english , chinese & social studies periods for nothing ! i dont feel like going to school . i feel like whining about this going to school & doing nothing crap . okay nlevels are in two weeks time . not counting this week . i cant study in the afternoon cos i tend to sleep . i cant study at night cos the tv tempts me & wins . okay i think i shall shut up whining about school . okay goodbye for now . im gonna play neopets ! :D

Monday, September 10, 2007

tiffy's birthday party

mommy's birthday

hello world .

6th sept
went to the book fair . was pleased with my purchase . bought three books for $20 . spent the whole day with tim .

7th sept
stayed home till tuition . it was only sab & me . after tuition , met tim & headed to the mall to get tiffy's present .

8th sept
tiffy's birthday party . was exhausted . played charades with andrea , debbie , tiffy , tracy , lino , & tim . fun . :D happy 2 year 3 month anniversary baby ! :D

9th sept
went to east coast with mom & tiffy for papa's family day thingy . attended evening mass . at night was crap .

10th sept
school was a bore . my eyes couldnt stay open . didnt do so well for lit . my unseen was horribly done . :/ she tried to make convo during geog , i acknowledged her by giving her small smiles but i didnt really seem interested in whatever she was saying . well im happy for yall two . i really am . pleased with my geog marks . i did better than expected ! :D hope its possible to do the same for nlevels .

photos from mommy's birthday & tiffy's birthday party .

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

met tim this morning before school . english paper was alright . much better than prelim . took bus home with tong . & now im waiting for tim to come over . okay im ohh so bored . i dont know what to blog about . like i dont have interesting stories like others . & i feel that my blog is b.o.r.i.n.g . :/ ikea breakfast tomorrow then off to expo . hope i can wake up in time for breakfast . okay i shall go off now & play games . goodbye .

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

im superr happy today . nothing can ruin my day ! for social studies , chapter three came out ! how happy i was when i flipped open the paper & saw the question ! i bet almost everyone in my class did that question . okay im happy . chinese listening was alright i suppose . yday chinese paper was okay . i wouldnt say it was easy , afterall i didnt understand some parts . ooh wells . after listening today , went to parkway with tong & sab . had bk then met tim ! somehow after i met tim , i felt happy , really really happy . :D english paper tomorrow . thrusday going to the book fair . i cant wait to buy nice romance books ! :DDD lalalala . after social studies , went to subway with sab . there was this uncivilised man in a woman's body . irritating neh . but that still didnt ruin my day .

Sunday, September 02, 2007

1st september
happy birthday mommy ! :D

today i just stayed home & tried to memorise stupid social studies . i feel like going for a holiday . i have no mood to study at all . but i have no choice but to force myself to study . :/ its the holidays yet there are exams . i think thats screwed . whatever . chinese nlevels are tomorrow . i pray that the passage & everything will be easy & i hope im able to understand &&& PASS ! my holidays are all gone .

goodbye holidays .
goodnight world .