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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Monday, March 10, 2008

finished reading "a walk to remember". the book is so touching. cried & cried. & yet, there are parts when you could smile. watched step up 2 yesterday. it was nice but wasn't as nice as the first one. channing tatum is still way better. the new lead isn't good looking, but he has dimples. & he looks cute in only some scenes. all of their bodies are so softtt. i want my body to be like their's. so soft. i want to dance like them!! but i can't even dance, i'm as stiff as a stick. school tomorrow from 8am to 5pm. am so looking forward to it. :/ off i go to watch heroes now. goodbyeeeee.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

holidays are here. went to the library on friday. borrowed books! :D today was meet the parents session. no comments.

well when we were alone, i wanted to apologise to you. there were so many chance but i didn't take any of them. the word "sorry" couldn't come out of my mouth. each time i wanted to say it, it just got stuck. i even planned everything i wanted to say to you in my head. no words of apology nor explanation could come out. well i guess i'll just say whatever i wanted to say here. sorry if you feel its insincere, it is just that i can't do it face to face. words woun't spill out of my mouth.

so here it goes:
i'm sorry for making you feel like shit. sometimes, i feel that when you go with them, you're using us; but that is how i feel. there was a period of time when she didn't come to school & each day, you made me join in the conversations; you did not leave me out. you looked out for me. i thank you for that. when she came back to school, i still treated you nicely cos i didn't want you to think that i was using you. but while treating you nicely, i suddenly realised a change in your attitude towards me. so in turn, i became screwed up with you as well. i guess i was wrong cos i didn't bother to find out why the sudden change in attitude. & yet, when i was showing you attitude, you still treated me nicely. & i felt bad, real bad for treating you the way i have. so here i am apologising hoping to ease the tension.

hope you read this post.