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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Friday, May 23, 2008

that face! HAHAHA.

days have been hectic. mother tongue intensive is driving me nuts. with tong not coming to school, it has been worse. chinese olevel is this monday. i feel the least prepared. gave school a miss today & finally i have the time to start studying biology.

went to watch iron man. whooo robert downey jr. is so so so so.............. :D i still wanna watch made of honor, what happens in vegas, drillbit taylor. & upcoming movies i wanna watch are sex & the city, narnia, hancock & many more. buuuut, i do not have the friggin' time!

photos from tuesday's lunch. happy belated birthday to you both. & overdued photos from tong. more photos to come soon.

i know the importance to study hard but i don't have the motivation to study. well my mid years are screwed. the way the teachers mark our papers are all fucked up. so not open minded. ooh wells. praise the lord they are not marking our olevels. if not we can all fail with flying colours.

david cook won american idol! whoooooo!!

life is short, so live it to the fullest.

Friday, May 09, 2008

okay i didn't get my subway cookies just now cos some fucked up woman took the freaking last two cookies. & the fucking woman so so very irritating. fuck. forget about it.

gave school a miss today. studies chemistry & geography. school yesterday was boring shit. the day seemed so draggy. 2 years & 11 months tim. <3 another month till we touch 3 years. mwaaaaah. wednesday had socail studies, chinese & english oral.

i feel like drowning myself in romance storybooks now. its always like that. always during the exams period, i'll feel like reading storybooks. shit. yay i can finally sing!! :D

the best things in life are free

Friday, May 02, 2008

okay photos are here. i'm feeling crap. my cough is fuck and so is my voice. wait till you hear how sexy my voice is. compared to this morning, my voice is worst than ever. i can't whisper & i'm straining to even talk. fuck. exams are fast approaching & i've yet to study. school is such a bore the only things that brightens my days are my friends & of course tim. school ends so friggin' late every single day, that when i reach home, i'm so exhuasted & fall asleep straight away. i feel like singing, but my vioce won't let me. fuck. on a lighter note, shaheeraa called me on the 30th april. i miss you shaheeraa. okay goodbye all readers.