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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Sunday, February 15, 2009

school has started for me. not everything have been going smoothly for me tho. i try to look at both sides of the picture sometimes, but i end up getting so irritated as i feel it is a nonsense reason to be cacat about.
shaheeraa has gone back to australia since the beginning of february and how much i miss her. just meeting for meals & talking about bullshit. how i cherish those days!
i suddenly miss katong convent & the days when we would do silly things & i could just be myself & talk to my clique about anything under the sun. glad we might have something planned, tho its not confirmed yet.
i think i need to see a shrink.
well, sometimes i wonder why do people lie. there could be certain reasons.
1. they are afraid how the other party might react when the truth is out in the open
2. they are afraid of the truth themselves, hence they lie to themselves
3. they are protecting the other party for the hurt that has yet to come together with the truth
4. maybe lying is just in their nature.