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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's been close to a year since I've last blogged. Well, I just really need to vent everything out. How I wish someone would be there to listen to me go on and on and on and give valid advice. Oh well.

It's frustrating how you are so picky and choosy with food. If that's the case, then I'll be the one suffering considering that I eat practically everything and you, the fussy pot, don't. Wherever I wanna eat at, I have to crack my head to see if there is something that you would eat there. And if there is nothing that you like at that place, I would just have to give in and go to a different eatery of which caters to you and adapt to find something different to eat, despite whatever cravings I may have. Now when I type it out, it sounds childish, silly and petty, but that's how I feel.

Another thing is you are so ungrateful. I wanted to treat you to dinner for passing, however when I suggested the place we were gonna eat at, you wanted to eat somewhere else. I mean I was the one paying and I thought you would like that place considering you always talked about bringing me to a restaurant of such. I even decided what to order prior to telling you where we were going. Eventually, you didn't even want to eat dinner.

To add on, we have been arguing over the same topic over and over again for months! When will it ever stop? I'm so sick and tired of hearing the same argument over and over again.

You always ask me "what have you done for this relationship?" Well, I can tell you that I've done things in this relationship in order for it to stay afloat. Unlike you, I do not talk about these things which I do for the relationship openly. And when the going gets tough, you just tell me that you can't take it anymore? Oh please, I'm the one who can't take this shit anymore, but I just suck it up and continue working for this relationship. You know what, just forget it.