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![]() 8th november 1991 eurasian catholic
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 March 2011 April 2011
Saturday, December 30, 2006
today , went tm with my mom & sis in the afternoon . in the evening , met sabrina and we made our way to grace's house . had dinner there , then dropped by andrea's & debbie's party ! stayed there till twelve plus . ate & ate & ate . & now i'm at home blogging . i feel like a pig . i have realised that i actually cant multi task . what on earth is pom backside ? i dont speak your language . pom backside ? haha . ooh gosh . im feeling very random . school is starting ! & i have yet to start on my hmwk . im super dead ! school , go away from me ! i dont want you ever coming near to me . go away , shoo shoo .
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
today , i rotted at home . was actually suppose to have choir practice but it was cancelled . i started abit on my hmwk . did abit of chinese & maths . im suppose to be doing my work now but instead im blogging and doing quizzes .
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
today , its been raining non stop . the weather is super shiok to sleep . i slept till 2 . i'm so gonna rot at home today .
on friday i've gotta pick between two parties . one : grace's party ; two : andrea's & debbie's party . ahhh . which one to pick . i wanna go for both . but i can't split myself into two . if i could , i would . hmmm . school is about to reopen soon . & i've yet to start on my homework ! i have plenty . oooh my . i must start on it soon . but i'm super malas . & i've got alot to do . i doubt i can finish all . last week of the holidays . i'm so not in the mood to go back to school tho i miss using my uniform . maybe i shouldn't be lazy anymore & actually start doing my homework . gosh i should start studying . bleahh ! maths : assessment 4 chinese : 4 letter writing , 2 compo , 4 newspaper articles , & 2 test papers social studies : worksheet geography : worksheet english : worksheet those people who have any photos with my face in it , please send it to me ! be it photos during caroling , or midnight mass photos . i would really appreciate it . (:
Monday, December 25, 2006
we both have visible moles ! (: yday , went to grace's place at night to dress up for the midnight mass . curled my hair ! (: during the midnight mass , cari , ally & i wasnt as high as we wanted to be . but when the mass was coming to an end , we were slightly high . received plenty of presents from my lovely friends . XD today , stayed home , helped my mom arnd the kitchen . had family dinner . nth much really happened today . ding dong merrily on high ; in heaven the bells are ringing
Saturday, December 23, 2006
today , had midnight mass practice in the afternoon , after that , ally & i rushed down to parkway to do last minute christmas shopping ! it was maddness . all the crowd . crazy . then later we cabbed down to gerald's place for caroling . caroled , had fun , ate ! but didnt take any photos ): its alright tomorrow is christmas eve , there will be plenty more photos to come ! lalala . christmas is like in two days time ! this is super fun . but sadly , this year , i dont really feel the christmas spirit . what can i do to feel all christmas-y ? but i just found out that im not alone ! im not the only one feeling this horrible way .
Friday, December 22, 2006
yday , went out with tim . finally , all my christmas shopping is done ! (: why is everyone feeling shit these past few days ? yvette , dont be like me ! ally , everything will be fine soon . trust me . gosh . this christmas is horrible ! all the mad shopping , stress , friends being all neh neh ; ooh gosh !
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
my darling shaheeraa ! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i slept at four last night , & i woke up at arnd ten plus . i'm super tired ! went out with shaheeraa , faiqah & alyssa today . in the end tuition was cancelled ! (: so the whole afternoon , mainly we went jalan jalan & took plenty of photos ! it ws fun . after that , i went to sabrina's place & tried to curl my hair ! i am going to curl my hair for christmas cos i don't look weird . then later was actually suppose to go to grandma's house . but i was too late & in the end came home . tomorrow i'm going shopping with tim i think . my feet hurts from all the walking ! but i'm not tired of shopping ! (: cari & sabrina (: ![]() ![]() i didnt update my blog about the lastest caroling . so i shall do that now . am actually suppose to be doing my tuition hmwk now tho my brain isn't functioning properly . on the 18th dec , we had to carol at some place at raffles city . took many many photos ! the food there was yummy ! the chocolate thingy was ooohlala . the food was mainly nicee ! (: before caroling , went shopping with sabrina . i actually wanted some forever 21 dress which was lovely . but it was 60 plus & lose ! so in the end , i bought a different red dress . sabrina bought this bambi necklace . it was really pretty . today , went shopping with tracy & my mommy . first we went tampines but nothing caught my eye . later , my mom & i went down to town , & i bought this sweet pair of shoes . wanted to get another casual pair too . but it didn't have my size . such a waste . i bought all of my guy friend's presents already ! ally , i didn't die ! (: i managed to survive this christmas ! tomorrow i'm going out with shaheeraa & faiqah ! then later must go for tuition , then going to sabrina's house to try to curl my hair , & finally going to my grandma's place . gosh such a busy day tomorrow . shall end here & continue with my hmwk ! i have my christmas clothes ! XD i'm super happy !
Sunday, December 17, 2006
sheryl & sabrina ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() on saturday , 16th december 2006 , the choir caroled at safra tampines ! we had great fun . took plenty of photos ! (: at first when we went on stage , i was quite nervous . but the second time we went up , i was all high ! before caroling , went to church for midnight mass practice . then later ally followed me back to my place & i tried on my caroling clothes & i was so afraid that i would be under-dressed ! after that , we took a bus down to ally's place waited for her to get ready & pick her clothes . about an hour later , sabrina met us at ally's place . then we went to safra . caroled the night away ! =D but before everything , i met up with my darling shaheeraa ! (: she gave me this really sweet braclet . oooh . i love that girl !
Saturday, December 16, 2006
after everything , i thought i had moved on . till i found out you liked my close friend , i then realised that i've yet to get over you . we fought , we augred . then that one night , that one phone call made me all soft , i believed what you said at first , making me feel loved & high . but later , everything seemed a lie . all those horrible emotions , crying nights , lonely days , everything started coming back . when i'm with you , you make me believe everything you say . you make me believe that i'm wanted by you . but once we're away from each other , i tend to doubt you . i've tried telling myself over & over again , "everything he says to me is true . he still loves me" , but eventually , i still have my doubts . people have been telling me to get over you , but i can't ! i try & try , despite everything , still unable to let go . i know i still love you , only you would know if you still love me . feelings can't be controlled . if you like someone , you can't control your feelings . so if you still like her , stop controlling yourself to not like her . cos deep down , you still like her . sometimes i tend to wonder if i'm being used as a spare tyre . just because you know that i still love you & i get soft easily , hence , when you have no one , you come running back to me . i still love you ! this entry is shit . i'm like just letting out almost everything . i still have loads kept inside me . i'm glad that i have friends who actually care about me . shaheeraa , ally , sabrina , shane , peter , grace , chris , sheryl , gerald , yvette , nevin & plenty more . thanks for being there for me in both good times and bad . thanks for the advices / talks you people gave me . you are the ones who have seen me at my worst and my best ! (: love you guys loads !
Friday, December 15, 2006
in the morning , things would be fine . at night , everything is screwed . it repeats itself everyday . i'm sick & tired of it . you keep controlling me , but don't realise it . when i tell you , you say you ain't . maybe what my friends tell me is true , you are not sincere . maybe you're just toying with my feelings again . if you really wanted me back , you would not control me . stop making it seem i'm the one crazy over you . i may still love you , but by me believing that you love me back , i would be living in denial . tell me if you're real . tell me if you're sincere . i don't want to get hurt again . you've gotta understand that . its just been too many times , & my heart can't take it anymore . i wanna bury myself
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
just came home from choir practice . after choir practice , went opposite church coffee shop to eat . had iced milo & carrot cake . that was my dinner ! haha . for lunch i had potato chips , tea i had hot dog . oooh my . ate so little today ! cleared my clothes drawers & i'm pleased with myself =D cleared my studytable mainly just stacked my books up neatly . my room is finally cleared ! i'm super happy . today i had to rush to make it for choir practice ! in the end , i was late . tomorrow i have tuitioin & i have not started on the hmwk yet . i'm dead . i think my blog is very boring . so to save you people who are reading it from misery , i will end my nonsense here .
shaheeraa is coming back tomorrow morning ! (:
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
today went over to my grandma's place to help her spring clean ! suppose to meet andrea , debbie & tracy to lepak at starbucks . gossip the night away ! but in the end , its cancelled . this saturday is our first caroling at safra tampines . & guess what , I HAVE NO CLOTHES ! how fun can that be . oooh yes . SHAHEERAA IS COMING BACK ON THURSDAY ! i'm freaking excited . everyone seems to own dresses of their own . and i don't even own one ! but its alright , come christmas , i will have a dress of my own ! (:
have all this been a lie ?
Monday, December 11, 2006
its raining so heavily now . how on earth am i going to get to grace's house in this weather for caroling practice . damn . i have no idea what is going on in my life . i'm so confused .
should i believe everything you say ?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
who do you think i am ; am i someone whose feelings you can play with ; my feelings are real ; its not something for you to toy around with ; you seemed so into me , but in reality , its all a lie ; you told me you didn't like her , but you do ; you could have just told me from the start ; i won't hate her cos she is my friend ; at the most , i would hate you .
Friday, December 08, 2006
yesterday went to philip's surprise birthday party but he somewhat knew that something was up . but the main surprise that day was his girlfriend ! oooh my they look so cute together . the girlfriend was friendly . haha . not like those unfriendly type . but during the party , i was feeling shit . suddenly i couldn't control my feelings & poof i started pouring to ally as she was the one with me . then later chris and sabrina went to find us and they saw me in a cacat state . then chris talked to me and soon gerald and sheryl came in . and finally grace came in and she talked to me . and yeah was glad to have had that talk with you lovely people ! last night i had fever ! then today was actually suppose to go shopping with tracy but in the end something came up and she couldnt make it . at night was suppose to go swimming at sheryl's place but my mom wanted me to rest . so today i'm gonna rot at home .
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
you told me you love me ; you told me you need me ; you told me you miss me ; you told me you can't live without me ; you told me i mean the world to you ; you told me you never ever wanna lose me ; you told me you wanna spend the rest of your life with me ; but they were all lies .
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
yesterady , went for caroling practice at night . and i was the only alto there ! i went so out of tune and confused ! haha . before practice , went with sabrina to eat sushi ! reached home at arnd 10 plus . then i talked to shane on the phone till 4am . i was the counsellor for the night ! in the end started making fun of "sobs sobs" . damn funny lah . today , cleared my room ! now it looks much better than before . gonna continue cleaning the house later . i feel like a bad friend . ooh my . what should i do ?!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
practiced for caroling today ! i'm so in the christmas mood . then can dress up pretty pretty . hahah . oooh my ! so exciting . i cant wait . plus i can go shopping ! haha . & will receive presents , give presents ! (: heh . this is so fun . i cant wait ! & shaheeraa is coming back soon ! i miss her soooo much . its been a year plus since she has left for australia . but she won't tell me when she is coming back . & she wants to just pop up at my doorstep the morning she arrives in singapore ! this is super exciting .
tis' the season to be jolly ; falalalalalalalala
Saturday, December 02, 2006
hello there
hello ! this is my first entry . there will be many more entries to come ! thank you sheryl , tracy ,& lino for helping me create this blog ! (: ooh yes ,
happy birthday tim ! =D |