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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Saturday, January 20, 2007

happy birthday tracy ! (:

today , i've got plenty to do . i've gotta help my mom with the kitchen stuffs , sweep the floor , clear the clothes . plus i've got to complete all my homework . bleahh . i've yet to complete my geog holiday homework & its due this monday . can someone help me research ? please , pretty please ?

i want to run away from school . its stressful . & each time i go to school , i come back with a headache . maybe its due to me sitting too infront ! hmmm . tomorrow is part two of confrontation . & i have no idea why but i'm feeling kinda scared . whats happening to me .

tomorrow , tim asked me out , shaheeraa asked me out , and ally asked me to go for her class party . i want to meet shaheeraa & i want to meet tim at the same time ! hmmm , i dont really care about the party . it'll be super weird if i go anyways .

shaheeraa is leaving next week ! it seems like its just yesterday that she came back to singapore ! so far i only met her i think three times ? thats super cacat ! its always either im too busy or she is too busy . our times always clashes ! boo .