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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

i've got so much of mixed emotions inside of me . two people are making my life screwed ! one is nehneh & the other one is nehneh the second !

to nehneh : why are you doing this ? when i ask you a question , cant you just say you talked to him ? why must you lie & leave out that part . do you know how much this is affecting me ? well , its affecting me a whole lot ! how would you feel if i actually did the same back to you ? you would feel shit , hurt , upset . you'd feel like slapping me . well thats how i feel about you . stop making my life worst . actually , i was starting to be alright with you , till i asked you THAT question and you lied . which made everything come back again . you just had to lie . why ? isit so difficult to tell me that you talk to him on the phone ? unless you're hiding something thats why you're not saying anything about the phone calls .

to nehneh the second : i heard from people what you did . you didnt stand up for me like how i wanted you to . some b*tch called me names & you agreed with her . how can you not stand up for me ? how can you agree with her ? that night , you came home , called me and made noise to me about that b*tch & today i hear a different story . im hurt because i keep thinking , how can you not stand up for me when someone calls me names . instead you just say "true" & agree with that b*tch . do you know that it hurts me so bad . this hurts me worst than anything else . & im here having to pretend that im my normal , happy , cheery self .

great just great . my life sucks . my stomach is in a knot . i feel the lump in my throat . & i have to pretend that im all good . i dont know what to do anymore .

school is a b*tch ,
b*tch is being a b*tch ,
nehneh is being a b*tch ,
nehneh the second is being a b*tch too !