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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

saw the psycho man yday in the one-nine-six again . & i was with tong .the both of us were scared he might act all weird & disturb us . HAHAH . will fail chemistry . biology might do okay . today had literature . ooh man sure fail . didnt really understand the poem . :/ im so screwed . i failed my english by half a freaking mark !! & i couldnt squeeze any marks out . :/

tong was being ncie today & didnt cab home . izzy was being a nice friend to tim & waited with tim at the bus stop for me . we four took one-nine-seven home . tong went her own way , izzy went to meet sarah , tim sent me home . :D

tomorrow is chinese & im actually gonna study for it ! like im gonna try to absorb as much as i can into my small little brain . just finished lunch . had double cheese buger . wanted mac-chicken instead . mommy is gonna book a chalet for grandpa's brithday ! (((:

i seem to be thinking that i would fail most of my subjects this year . ooh man i cant have that attitude .
i need to study !

trisha be more discipline & start studying .
but my books produce sleeping gas . :/