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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Thursday, February 08, 2007

today , when i was on my way home from tuition , was at my grandma's bus stop & saw these two little malay girls . arnd two to three years of age . super adorable ! & i think when they grow up , they would be pretty . their hair was so nice and soft . i think they are twins ? they look super alike .

during tution , my eyes were slowly but surely closing . it was boring as daphne wasnt there ! on my way to tuition , faiqah was telling me story then she had to be so kpo & listen too when faiqah wasnt even talking to her ! then when faiqah stopped awhile , she told faiqah this "go on , continue your story ." she is ahhhh !

tong told me something neh about her today . ooh gosh i cant believe you'd even tell him about tong smsing his brother . how horrible can you get . & its naive to think that "if you sms an opposite sex you'd like them" i think its dumb ! grow up man . you're so old yet you still think that way . gosh . seriously grow up !