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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

went to cut my hair ! the back cant really see the difference unless i tie it up . i cut my fringe ! yippie ! okayy today was mainly homework day . managed to complete geog , biology , did abit of social studies . ooh man i didnt do much ! :/ but while i was doing , it felt as tho i completed alot . bleahh .

ooh yes before going to cut my hair , went to pick tiffy up from school . before walking to the bus stop , we went to the mama shop bought sunflower seeds & cheezels .

ooh wells . now im feeling hungry . thinking of whether i should eat my seaweed or should i eat the kuah lapis (or however it is spelt as) my mom bought . shall only eat the cheezels when tiffy is home so i can share with her . okayy i should eat the kuah lapis . its colourful & its staring right at me . okayy done eating .

watched prison break season two last night . one more disc to go & i finish the whole season two ! yippie ! :D ooh wentworth miller is hot ! shall continue watching disc three tonight !!