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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Thursday, March 22, 2007

yesterday , we had some nonsense math quiz . it wasnt even related to any of the math topics we learnt ! horrible . after school , went to buy lunch for tim & his bro . tim found of about shit . & the reason why i kept it from you was cos i was afraid you might blow & i really forgot all about it . im sorry !

ooh wells , i am finally aye okay with sabrina . & i feel much better .

today , went for tuition straight after school . didnt have lunch sooo went to K's place to eat sugar cream crackers ! :D daphne was making fun of sabrina which i found super mean . sooo when daphne & i were alone , i talked to daphne about making fun of sab . she didnt know sab can/would feel that way . oooh wells . after tuition , went to some place . had fun ! :D

im feeling shit yet i have no idea why . could it be that that time of the month is coming soon ! ooh man !

if i did it , you'd blow & ask me to delete it . but im not asking you to delete it . im just saying that "hey if i can be okay with it , why cant you" but i guess im not truely okay with it thats why im neh ? or maybe im just thinking too much . if i had just left it as it is & stop thinking , i wouldnt be feeling like this .

shit trisha stop thinking . by thinking , its making you worst . stop please stop . you're making yourself feel all neh . but i cant help me . i tend to think alot . arghhh ! i think my self-esteem is very low . i have no confidence in myself . help ! i need to boost my confidence . i cant continue like this . cos i will only feel that everyone else is greater than me !

ah lah forget about all this . its just me venting . oooh wells . prison break is on later ! cant wait . tho ive watched that episode already im still excited & cant wait .