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![]() 8th november 1991 eurasian catholic
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 March 2011 April 2011
Monday, April 30, 2007
![]() today was late for school . waited for the 69 for about 10 minutes when usually , it takes less than 5 minutes . bleahh . chinese paper is overrr . gonna fail . oooh wells . its chinese !!
stayed back for dc . wanted to do on wednesday but mrsS was like fine then you do half hour today & half hour on wednesday . for what siao !! might as well just complete it today . so thats what i did . school was slack . the paper ended at 1220 . we were suppose to have chem but missT didnt come into class . fun fun fun . didnt want tuition today but tuition teacher's phone battery was flat so there was no way to contact her . :/ in the end , i had tuition . i find my hair cacat . its looks super dry now . like yucks ! why cant my hair be like last time when it wasnt looking as dry as now ... i just cant stand people who thinks that they are all that . like whatever man ! you're not pretty . get over it . you think you're so hot & use sex appeal to get what you want . eewww . you not hot !! N.O.T !!! whatever happened last night was crap . lets put it behind us & move on . i love you ! :D
Saturday, April 28, 2007
hellooo world ! :D
its been so long since i've blogged . nowadays have no time to come online . well let me update you on my week . monday 23/04/2007 had english oral . i think i did badly . pronounced erratic as erected ! damn shitt . but when i was reading to myself , i pronounced it correctly but when i was reading to the teacher , i was super nervous till i said erected ! ooh mann . tuesday 24/04/2007 cant remember . :/ wednesday 25/04/2007 got sent out of class during math . cos i didnt bring my math two . stupiddd . thursday 26/04/2007 had flu . tuition was cancelled . didnt go for ss extra lessons . had to carry a box homee . friday 27/04/2007 still had flu . kept on blowing my nose during the english paper . i think i will do badly for paper one . damn . today 28/04/2007 went for movie with tim . watched meet the robinsons . nicee show . used our free tickets . used up my free ticket for starbucks . so today everything was practically free ! (: bought tim's bro's present . some shirt . damn cute . bought a pen for exams . finally managed to get tina's present after 5689 years . then came home studied a little . tim tested me and i managed to memories chapters one and three chinese words ! then went for mass with family & went for dinner . after that , drove to godma's house , went to collect some shirt . i walked home & now im here blogging . going for mass again with tim . 645 mass . early but yes i'll try to wake up . i think my life is kinda screwed . but wtfff .
Sunday, April 22, 2007
have you ever felt unwanted ?
that no one loves you . but when someone cares for you ; you just throw it at his face . life can be unfair . people scold you when it isnt your fault . sometimes you just want to run away ; put a halt to it all . it may be impossible ; but yet , you still hope it all ... thank you for being understanding . im not ready to tell you just yet . be patient ; & i'll let you in soon enough ... went for 645 mass . studied thruout the day . met tim for mac breakfast . my day overall was just boring . feeling like shit . i need to let it all out . cry it all out & maybe i might feel better ? i wouldnt know . maybe i'll just simply bottle everything up like i always do .
Saturday, April 21, 2007
hellooo beautiful world . have not blogged in a week . have been busy busy busy with school .
well i cant really remember what happened over the week . all i remembered was : monday 16th april , had lit test . wednesday 18th april , didnt go for library study . instead met tim & went home together ! :D thrusday 19th april , had tuition . only daphne , sabrina & i went . tong didnt come to school if im correct . friday 20th april , had morning exercise . got back ss test paper . did quite well ! :D went for sjab . left arnd 415 with tong . met tim at bedok . reached home but no one was at home , so tim & i waited outside my place till my mom came back . ooh yes in school , there were three girls . one of them was superrrr pretty ! i cant stand it . she was prettyyyyy . lalala . ooh yes & physco sim was just physco . he scolded tong & i for not greeting him . how cacat . he screamed at the top of his lungs . why ? cos we didnt greet him . dumb . ooh & we had some practice oral with missG . she busted sabrina bad . hahha !! todayyy 21st april , went to have lunch with tim at some sushi place near my house . after lunch , slacked abit at the hockey court . then he came over to my place & left at 4 plus 5 . did my homework & now im here finally blogging ! but i still have not completed geog tys . anywaysss mid years are approaching . i have not touched my books yet . i must start studying . but first before anything , i must complete all my tuiton/school homework before being able to study . i shall start studying EVERYDAY ! wish me luck .
Saturday, April 14, 2007
bus ride home with tong :D
![]() ![]() ![]() todayyy , tim came over to my place !! :D then went pasir rise beach with my family . saw a fish bleed sooo profusely & died in front of my eyes ! ahhh . i dont feel like eating fish ever again . luckily i didnt see a chicken or pork die in front of me , if not i'd be a vegetarian by now ! ooh man . animals . ): well i have some photos from the libaray dayy ! & photos from the bus ride home yday !
Friday, April 13, 2007
thursday was quite a long day for me .
12/04/2007 : i was suppose to be in school by 7 . but i woke up late . my class had spot check & i kena for my nails as usual . during chinese , had to read some article to practice for oral . had 9/10 . :D lit , mrM forgot about our lit test again ! haha !! so now our lit test is on monday . math sucked . we were suppose to change places cos missG asked us to . but we didnt . missG got angry , hurt , surprised that we didnt change places & listened to her . she felt as tho we didnt respect her . ooh wells . then there was the emergency exercise thingy . met faiqah outside my class & we stuck the plasticine to ourselves as we were the casualties for this exercise . i was suppose to be carrying a bowl of hot fishball soup when the alarm went , i was confused & spilled the soup over my arm . how dumb ! hahha . this exercise took up about three periods of lesson time . by the time we returned to class , it was the last fifteen minutes before school ends . sooo we didnt have lessons . yday was raining & raining & raining . & daphne only had one tiny umbrella . soo daph , sab , faiqah , tasneem & i waited for the rain to stop before walking to the 12 bus stop to go for tuition . when we were in the 12 reaching mrK's palce already , it started to rain super heavily . so we alighted then we were deciding who daphne should shelter . then sab said , "as long as im sheltered can already . " when i heard that , i was like WTF !!! so faiqah , tasneem & i just decided to run in the rain . once we reched mrK's block , sab was whining about how wet her uniform was . but the weird thing is that , faiqah , tasneem & i werent as wet as sab . HAHAH . she just doesnt know how to walk . then she just kept on whining & whining at mrK's place till i told her "sabrina , enough okay . just let your uniform dry . stop whining ! " i couldnt tahan . well that was yday . 13/04/2007 : today , i was super duper moody . i shouted at sabrina & daphne . its pms . in the morning when i woke up , my phone hung on me !! i couldnt off it . & when i took the battery out , & tried to on , it couldnt be switched on !! how screwed . so im using mommy's phone at the moment . today morning exercise wasnt fun . i was being squashed . next time tong , we should stand with marrissa . more fun . chinese had ting xie had 3/5 . ss test was alright i suppose . math was fun . english was okay . didnt do my english compre which we were suppose to hand in ten years ago . had sjab . went to the tampines firse station . i should have just came home straight from there . now im super sleepy . i think im gonna sleep early tonight . took bus home with tong , camwhored a little . bought from seven eleven . i only had a sandwich for lunch & a sandwich for tea ! ooh yes i forgot to say , we toe-weaved today !! learnt something neeeew ! :D it was fun . at the fire station , i put out a mini flame ! hahah . fun fun . okayy it was worth my time i guess . well will upload photos when i receive them from tong & library photos from daphne ! sooon please soon .
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
today , school was super slack . didnt feel like doing anything . first two periods were pe . mrG wasnt present to conduct it as he had some swimming nonsense . next two periods were chinese . it was slack too . then social studies before recess . during ss , we did own self-study . but daphne & i started talking & talking .
after recess , had math test . have the first question all wrong already . :/ after math , had contact time . missG cahnged our sitting arrangements . now daphne & i got pushed to the side where its all dusty . ooh wells , tong & daphne are gonna bring rags tomorrow . & sabrina & i are gonna bring plastic bags ! we are gonna clear the place up & make it dust-free !! :D but the corner is quite cool cos its like a sleeping corner . just have to switch on the standing fan & it'll be super shiok !! after contact time , had chem test . will do badly . after that , had cat class in school . we watched some movie which was something like homerun . but it was in some weird language . quite nice . after school ended , went to library & studied with tong , sabrina & daphne . but i ended up eating & eating & eating . & now , i have not enough money for the rest of the week . :/ tong & daphne took weird photos of mainly me & the rest of us . upload when i get them ! but there were this group of tkgs people , && they had B.O !! ahhh , i nearly died . oooh yes i was nearly late for school . stupid 69 came sooo late . & i got my year book today !! my class photo made my legs look F.A.T ! tomorrow gotta be in school by 7 !! ahhhh maddness . there is lit test . have not even finish reading my stupid book . ganesh sucks lah ! tomorrow have tuition . ahhh ! malas malas . tomorrow , i have to read some chinese article & i've not even started practicing yettt ! help me . i need more time . 24 hours just isnt enough for meee . okayy maybe i just want time to stop with tim by my side & me being able to complete all my studies !!! :D i love you baby .
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
todayy is tuesday ! & tuesdays are usually loooong days . but today , somehow it passed pretty fast .
geog today was super slack . english too was slack . bio was quite okay . chem was slack & math was nonsense ! ooh wells . today we swapped easter eggs with one another . meilin was my angel ! :D i was dawn's angel but forgot to bring easter gifts for everyone ! ): was late for school today ! :/ the bus cheated my feelings . it was suppose to come at around 650 plus but instead , it came at 704 !! hence , one big group of us were late . not sure if i should take the eariler bus tomorrow or the later bus & take my chances of being late for school . bus ride home with tong was fun ! "dieeee !" -bangs head . hahhhaa ! && "there was a crazy moose ; & he drank alot of juice ; say wei-yo-wei-yo ; wei-yo-wei-yo-wei-yo-wei-yo ; wei-yo-wei-yo ; wei-yo-wei-yo-wei-yo-wei-yo" HAHA ! tomorrow , there is math test , chem test & im here not studying . great just great . tomorrow is also study date with tong , daphne & sabrina !! :D we must study studyy ! im sorry i make it seem as tho i am interested in him . but honestly i dont like him . he is just my close friend . he is nothing more than a friend . i know where my heart lies . it lies with you . i gave my heart away a long time ago . i gave it to you . please trust me on that . i just dont want to lose a friend . cos he has been a good friend to me when in need . i want to keep in contact with that friend . i want to be updated about his life . but no matter what , my heart is yours for the taking . i love you .
Monday, April 09, 2007
today is one of the worst days everrrr !
firstly , i couldnt wake up for school . secondly , mom & tiffy pissed me off like shit . till i walked out to be alone . thirdly , tim got cacat at first that i was talking to peter . great things that happened : number one , shaheeraa called me ! :D number two , tim took the trouble to come & meet me when i was feeling down ! :D number three , stuffed myself with chocolates . now i have no dinner . okayy i actually do have . but cos of my ego , i dont have dinner . okay forget it . no one would understand except tim . shall dig for food now . or maybe i'll just forget about my ego & eat . ahhh what shall i do ? ego , no ego . ego , no ego . tim dropped his phone & now its cacat . :/ after hours & desperate housewives laterrr on . shall talk to tim now & do a little studying before the show starts !! ciaooo . Labels: ego ; no ego ?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
i survived it !
i got closer to his family ! (i think) i love his close family ! i love my family ! i love yooou ! :D i just love my life ! happy anniversary ! one year five months ! :D
hellooo to the people reading my bloggg ! :D
HAPPY EASTER ! its been a long time since i've blogged . ooh wells . let me start with thrusday . thrusday : was suppose to have tuition . but in the end , faiqah , tasneem & i had sjab . sabrina , samantha & daphne had church . but in the end , there wasnt a need for me to go for sjab soooo i went home . after that , went for 5 oclock mass , had dinner then went to different churches for visiting . & i was suppose to have a lit test . but mrM forgot about it !! friday : good friday . went for church . didnt use the com , didnt eat chocolates , sweets & yummy things . tho they were all tempting ! tim attended mass with meee ! :D saturday : in the morning , went to east coast with tim . :D afternoon-ish , went to tm & found my pretty brown baby doll dress ! evening , went for mass with family & tim . tim & i wore the same colour ! hahaha . funny . sunday : now im here blogging . going to tim's place for lunch . ahhhh its nerve racking . i cant take it . but i shall be brave ! okayy im super nervous . & today is our one year and five months ! :D i love you !
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
today is wednesday , but i feel as tho its a friday . :/
present : school today was quite alright i suppose . had to be in school by 7 ! maddness . was neh at daphne . tong as usual didnt come to school . there was a chinese letter writing test which i didnt know about . planning about family day . PC was slack did nothing . on my first try of incline pull ups , i managed to pass ! :D happy . met tim & izzy after school . :D came home , read the children's bible , interesting . past : yday , nth much happened . bumped into peter at the bus stop . tong was MIA . mrsL was quite shit . yday was boring . came home , did abit of work & talked on the phone . thats what i do practically everyday . :/ future: tomorrow , there is a lit test on jeffrey . gotta complete social studies SBQ . sjab from 3 - 5 . but im gonna leave early as my mom wants me to attend the 5 oclock mass . sooo im gonna leave at 4 . one hour of sjab ! :D suppose to have tuition but nobody wants to go anyways so daphne , sabrina & samantha made up the excuse of having to go to church . tasneem , faiqah & i have sjab . ohh wells . i think i have a boring life . bleahh . damn , ive gotta start studying ! CA1 results were like shit . trisha start studying . dont be lazy . i need a motivator ! yes thats what i need , a motivator . :D ooh yes & tina's birthday party is this saturday . not sure if im going . maybe i'll just drop by to give her her present ?
Monday, April 02, 2007
sunday , went to church with mom , dad & tim . after mass , went for lunch at some sushi place near my house . after lunch , came home & was suppose to study but ended up sleeping . :/ by the time i woke up it was 6 plus in the evening . woke up , did some work & half way was super malas to continue soo i chucked my books aside .
Sunday, April 01, 2007
happy april fools day ! :D
on thursday , it was a normal school day. after school , went for tuition & we were one hour late ! after tuition , came home to study for bio test the next day . friday , had the bio test . it was quite tough . went for sjab . it was only one hour ! how fun . just went to collect flag day tins , pick locations of where to go & briefing . in the end , my group picked geylang . then the first thing that came to the juniors mind was prostitute ! haha . funny lah . ooh ooh & morning exercise was fun as usual . but the people werent moving . soo tong & i couldnt move much . bleahh . today , met them at 640am at school bus stop . then we made our way to geylang to have breakfast . after breakfast , we started selling flags . some people were nice . others were nasty ! quite a number of stories on the flag day . but but im malas to type it out . soo whatever . came home , studied a little , then met tim to go and watch mr bean ! :D luckily he booked the tickets if not we wouldnt have gotten good seats . in the morning , the 8pm show was almost full . how bleahh . so in the end , we watched the 950 show . came home at arnd 12 plus . & now im blogging . ohh yes & i saw tong at tm ! hahha . tomorrow , gotta attend 11am mass with my mom & dad . ooh man im super malas . all of a sudden i feel like puking . i hate my life . shall blog some other time ! :D tata . |