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![]() 8th november 1991 eurasian catholic
December 2006
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Friday, April 13, 2007
thursday was quite a long day for me .
12/04/2007 : i was suppose to be in school by 7 . but i woke up late . my class had spot check & i kena for my nails as usual . during chinese , had to read some article to practice for oral . had 9/10 . :D lit , mrM forgot about our lit test again ! haha !! so now our lit test is on monday . math sucked . we were suppose to change places cos missG asked us to . but we didnt . missG got angry , hurt , surprised that we didnt change places & listened to her . she felt as tho we didnt respect her . ooh wells . then there was the emergency exercise thingy . met faiqah outside my class & we stuck the plasticine to ourselves as we were the casualties for this exercise . i was suppose to be carrying a bowl of hot fishball soup when the alarm went , i was confused & spilled the soup over my arm . how dumb ! hahha . this exercise took up about three periods of lesson time . by the time we returned to class , it was the last fifteen minutes before school ends . sooo we didnt have lessons . yday was raining & raining & raining . & daphne only had one tiny umbrella . soo daph , sab , faiqah , tasneem & i waited for the rain to stop before walking to the 12 bus stop to go for tuition . when we were in the 12 reaching mrK's palce already , it started to rain super heavily . so we alighted then we were deciding who daphne should shelter . then sab said , "as long as im sheltered can already . " when i heard that , i was like WTF !!! so faiqah , tasneem & i just decided to run in the rain . once we reched mrK's block , sab was whining about how wet her uniform was . but the weird thing is that , faiqah , tasneem & i werent as wet as sab . HAHAH . she just doesnt know how to walk . then she just kept on whining & whining at mrK's place till i told her "sabrina , enough okay . just let your uniform dry . stop whining ! " i couldnt tahan . well that was yday . 13/04/2007 : today , i was super duper moody . i shouted at sabrina & daphne . its pms . in the morning when i woke up , my phone hung on me !! i couldnt off it . & when i took the battery out , & tried to on , it couldnt be switched on !! how screwed . so im using mommy's phone at the moment . today morning exercise wasnt fun . i was being squashed . next time tong , we should stand with marrissa . more fun . chinese had ting xie had 3/5 . ss test was alright i suppose . math was fun . english was okay . didnt do my english compre which we were suppose to hand in ten years ago . had sjab . went to the tampines firse station . i should have just came home straight from there . now im super sleepy . i think im gonna sleep early tonight . took bus home with tong , camwhored a little . bought from seven eleven . i only had a sandwich for lunch & a sandwich for tea ! ooh yes i forgot to say , we toe-weaved today !! learnt something neeeew ! :D it was fun . at the fire station , i put out a mini flame ! hahah . fun fun . okayy it was worth my time i guess . well will upload photos when i receive them from tong & library photos from daphne ! sooon please soon . |