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![]() 8th november 1991 eurasian catholic
December 2006
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 September 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 March 2011 April 2011
Saturday, June 30, 2007
finally my aircon is fully fixed & my house is clean !! :D playing some game on miniclips now . gotta wake up in time for 645 mass tomorrow . ooh wells . wanted to use the com yday but realised that everything was dismantled .
29th june 2007 D&S went to plan to go to S's place after school before tuition . but none of them involved me in the plans . so when D told me that they were going to S's place , i was like wtfffff . was thinking to myself "then yall never even bother if i was going for tuition anot . yall just plan amongst yourselfs ." pfffft . then i was all attitiude with them . then during recess , D invited me to S's house . but the thing is this is not D's house but S's !!!! yet she did not invite me so this shows that S's actually didnt want me to come along . bitch . then during tuition , S didnt even talk to me . && S was so inconsiderate . cos D's friend met D under tuition block & it was raining . only D & her friend had an umbrella . S just went under the umbrella with D ignoring me . then i told S "eh how weird isit if i share umbrella with D's friend right . i dont even know him . so why not you & i share an umbrella then D & her friend can share one too . " then S had nothing to say so she just kept quiet & shared the umbrella with me . BITCHHHHHH ! pffffft . after school , met tim & izzy in the 196 together with tong . after that , tong , tim & i headed to long johns for lunch . then we were talking about nonsense stuffs . like have you noticed that your ears are ugly looking things . just stare at them long enough & you'd realise . :D to D&S : i have friends who are true . unlike yall two !! hmph . 30th june 2007 today was slack . didnt do anything except read my book . morning , read my book while the aircon was still being fixed . soon tim came & we went out to buy lunch for mom , dad & tiffy . came home aircon was done , had lunch , started to clear the house . after that , tim & i went out to buy dinner for tiffy , brought it home . then we went out to subway to get our own dinner . some funny thing happened ! HAHA . it was superrrrr cacat . Labels: can you trust a friend ?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
life is unfair , i must say .
things just dont go my way . everything is just so wrong , like it has never been before . you try to be everybody's best friend . & you somehow fulfill it . those personal stuffs she used to tell me , she is now telling you . she is not telling me anything anymore . i may seem as tho im not affected by it . but truth is im truly affected by it . that night , she wanted to confide in me , but you took my place cos i was busy . she used to complain about you , but now she seems totally alright with you . this may seem dumb , but i cant stand it anymore . i may be jealous , i dont know . but i know im upset about it all . you should respect me . im older than you . yet you give me shit as respect . we fight practically everyday , & im so sick & tired of it . i've got too much stuffs on my mind right now to even bother about you & your nonsense . you ! why of all times do you pick today to have a major fight with me . you think im a liar . well to be frank with you , im not lying to you . im so sick of fighting with you cos of my friends . give me a break will you . i just smsed him for fun why can you understand that . now you think that i dont sacrifice anything for you . well i do but we just dont realise it . & when i gave you an example of what & how i sacrificed , you said that wasnt counted . what nonsense is that . you call me all sorts of names , this shows how "important" i am to you . thanks . im just so furstrated with life . arghhh . i cant focus on my work . i've got too much on my mind . but why . why am i thinking about such unimportant matters & not important matters such as my nlevels ? pfffft . where are you when i need you the most ? Labels: life sucks ; agree ?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
yay yay yay . new blogskin ! :D thanks tong .
well today feels like a tuesday . had chinese tuition . im still in the holiday mood . school can just go away . i feel like rotting at home with all my storybooks . its just love . tim's sick . get well soon baby ! arghh . homework is piling up quickly & im lagging behind so early in the semester . daphne said that if you eat too much of sa-shi-me without wa-sa-bay , you'll have worms in your head hence that causes frequent headaches ! HAHA . dont know if its ture but its funny . so tong , you have worms in your head . HAHAHA . this friday suppose to have math tuition but there is sjab too . arghh . i'd rather go for tuition than sjab . plus plus this saturday is the first aid theory . dont even feel like going for the exam . next tuesday is st john's day . gotta wear full uniform . :/ my new aircon is coming this friday ! happiness for me . finally i will have the comfort to sleep in an aircon room after sooo long . exams are approaching . ive yet to touch my books . i feel like tearing them apart ! i wish i can just have a day devoted to my storybooks . school can disappear for all i care . bed + aircon + storybooks = heaven ! :DDDD tim + trisha = lovely ! ♥
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
first day of school wasnt too bad i guess . after school went to white sands with tong . wanted to check out something . today was a long day ! school seemed to last forever . time was passing super duper slow . tim came over to my place after school to study . not productive . :/ helped me with my english speech . :DD well , i'll go & continue my work now . have chinese xi zi & i must write some self-praising essay for my testimonial . :/ how horrible !
goodbye . :D
Sunday, June 24, 2007
friday , spent the day at the beach . from morning till night . tim came to the beach too with my family . in the evening , tim & i went to have dinner at the lagoon . after that we walked all the way to pit 64 for cat class bbq . superrr far . but the walk with tim was great . :DDD
saturday , slacked at home . did a bit of holiday hmwk . i've still not completed holiday hmwk yet ! super malas & no mood . today , went for 930 mass with tim . couldnt wake up in time for 645 . came home slept till 2 plus . did a bit of work . then watched vcd with tiffy . & have been watching tv every since . school starts tomorrow . :/dont feel like going . butbut look on the bright side , i can see all my friends again ! :DD watching tv at the moment . ooh man i think my blog is getting more & more boring . :/
Thursday, June 21, 2007
currently talking on the phone to yevtte , sabrina , & we're waiting for ally to call . well she just called ! :D boys are cows are finally talking in a conference once again ! :DDDD
today , went to ikea for breakfast . spent the whole morning there . cancelled chinese tuition . had math tuition . :/ only daphne & me turned up . after tuition , met tim at white sands . went home then went to the lagoon for dinner . wednesday , i cant remember what i did . ooh yes ! i was suppose to go out with tracy but she came home so late till i became malas . so i spent the rest of the day doing my hmwk ! :DDD tim then bought dinner for me . sweet ! tuesday , i seriously cant remember . welll my house phone battery just died on me . :/ im missing out on updates ! i cant multi task . tried typing & listening to the convo but couldnt . tomorrow will be out the whole day . from morning till evening will be at the beach with my family . evening , tim & i will be dropping by cat class bbq . i wanna spend some time with shermaine , audrey , alyssa , & nicole !! :DDD night , going to the lagoon with tim for dinner . tomorrow will be a day at the beach for me .
Monday, June 18, 2007
today , went out with tim to vivo . watched fantastic4 . oooh the human touch is soooo hot ! his first time to vivo ! :D i managed to eat a whole carles jr buger by myself !! i was superrrr full after that . then after the movie , we had ben&jerrys . i finished up practically the whole waffer . i felt like a pig after that . i still wanted to eat yong tao fu . but in the end , i was too full . had great great fun ! :DDDDD
yesterday , went to church . tim came along . had macaroni & cone-y dog for breakfast . felt like a pig again . :/ then went to grandma's hourse for father's day lunch . james & sarah were there ! played with those two little babies ! :DD on saturday , made papa's father's day cake in the afternoon . in the evening , went to parkway with tim to develop photos . had dinner then headed home . omg omg & i saw her ! she seemed so fake ? arghhh . i wanted to scream / laugh at that moment . i couldnt decide . that moment seemed so laugh-able yet it seem so scream-able . fake or not fake ?
Friday, June 15, 2007
im super lazy to blog these days . ohh man . my hands are currently dirty . im eating chicken wings . :DD
tuesday , 12th june rotted at home in the afternoon . brought dad out for early father's day dinner at cafe cartel . wednesday , 13th june rotted in the afternoon . mom , dad , tiffy & i went dwon to eastcoast lagoon for dinner . had my favourite stingray . :DD thursday , 14th june had chinese tuition in the morning . my tuitor said next time i should get married to a china man so my chinese can improve . :/ math tuition was cancelled . happiness for me ! :DD tim came over & bought me lunch . stayed at my place till 6 plus . we watched some nice show on dvd . met tong at 9 plus that night & we watched ocean's 13 ! it wasnt that confusing . i understood it !! friday , 15th june went to have lunch at arnd 4 plus . had katong laksa . after that , we went over to parkway . developed photos . then went to some s place to have ice cream . i dont know how to spell . before that , tiffy lost her ezlink . :/ mom & dad super pissed with her . we searched all over but couldnt find . so we asked the information counter & some kind soul returned the ezlink ! :D then my mom & i went to bedok's pizza hut to collect chicken wings & headed home . i have yet to go shopping with tracy & tong . argh . soon soon alright , when i have money ? i have yet to start on my holiday homework too . why cant i have the mood to do my hmwk ? bleahh .
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
hello . im back ! im feeling hungry at the moment i miss tim & i cant sleep . came home at arnd 11 plus . ooh man bought in total ten tops & one pair of jeans for a total for $60 ! im happy . well will upload photos some other time ? too lazy to upload them onto the com . hmmm let me recall what happened from day one . day one , 9th june happy birthday grandma ! :DDD ferry was delayed . got frustrated . it was hot & stuffy at the ferry terminal . waited for about an hour just to get on the damn ferry . at batam , went to the hotel . thought it would be cacat at first but it turned out to be not too bad . went to meet grandma & pa , godma & pa , & andrea & debbie for lunch . had dim sum . after lunch andrea , debbie , tracy & i went our own way & SHOPPED ! bought five tops then . then went back to the hotel waited for the rest to return . when they returned , they came back with dinner for themselves . cut grandma's birthday cake then off we four went to eat at breeks . it was CHEAP !!!! grandma seemed so happy . i remembered the look on her face . grandma's face was lighted up with so much happiness . :DDDD
day two , 10th june had breakfast then went to church for mass . couldnt understand what the priest was saying . :/ then the four of us headed our own way for lunch . after lunch , did a little bit more shopping . but this time , i didnt get anything from that shopping centre . then came back to the hotel & went out for dinner . had seafood ! day three , 11th june had breakfast but there wasnt much left . andrea didnt join us as she left for work . after breakfast , we went to a shopping centre opposite the hotel . bought a pair of jeans ! :D then we checked out & headed to the shopping centre opposite the ferry terminal . shopped & got another five tops ! :D had a&w for lunch . bought donuts home . managed to get a shirt for tim ! :D after shopping , headed to the ferry terminal & soon , we were on our way back to s'pore . went to the food court at harbour front to have dinner then mom , dad , tiffy , tracy & i headed home . the ferry ride to batam wasnt too bad . didnt feel like puking only slightly . butbut the ferry ride back to s'pore was horrible ! wanted to puke ! it was sooo puke-able . yuck . in batam , they dont have traffic lights nor do they have lane markings on the roads ! i dreaded crossing roads . i'd be the only idiot shouting cos im afraid the cars might bang me down . dumb , yes i know . hate to cross roads . when i was back in s'pore crossing my road to my house , i was grateful that in s'pore , there are traffic lights , lane markings & zebra crossings for people like me to cross ! :D okay i shall go & sleep now . gotta help my mom clean the house tomorrow . :/
Friday, June 08, 2007
had the best day of my life ! :D ooh baby i love you soooooo much . happy two years anniversary again ! :DDDD went to eat katong laksa . then jalaned arnd parkway . then off to the sushi place . i think the best meal was the katong laksa . (: going off to batam tomorrow . sorry to have to leave you behind . you make me so worried cos now you're having a fever . goodbye singapore . see you on mondayyy ! Labels: TWO years (:
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
sunday , 3rd june
went for 645 am mass with mom , dad , & tiffy . then went down to the church funfair . saw paula , pete , shane & more people . met tim . he stayed at the funfair with me even when my parents left first . then went home & read storybook for the rest of the day . tracy came home . :D monday , 4th june aunty dolly & aunty pat came over . so did grandma & grandpa & uncle donald . all came over for lunch . after everyone left , mom , tiffy , tracy & i headed for the mall . did a little shopping . was pleasaed ! :D had billy bombers . saw pete . was suppose to play badminton when home but it was late . tuesday , 5th june went for ikea breakfast with mom & tiffy . skipped school . too tired & i needed my sleep . i felt exhausted waking up for school so early . tiffy & i were like idiots . running into each different show rooms , touching everything & testing the beds , chairs , etc . had great fun ! then we headed home so tiffy could pack some stuff to do at grandma's place . mom send her to grandma's & i went to the polyclinic to get my mc . didnt have to wait as long as i expected to see the doctor . got my mc . & he gave me a different type of cream for my ugly infected toe . ooh wells . went to the library with mommy . now since its the holidays , each library card can borrow up to 8 books !! i borowed 6 books . ooh i cant wait to read them after i finish my kite runner ! :D then followed mom to the mall to get dinner . then came home ate , then went to pick tiffy up from grandma's & papa up from hougang . wednesday , 6th june , TODAYYYY last day of school !! ended at 1115 . superr early compared to the other days . was super sleepy . my eyes couldnt take it . i strained myself to stay awake as a result got cranky . :/ after two days of not seeing tim , ive finally got to see him todayyy ! we took tiffy out to watch shrek3 . nicee show . met debbie & jas . mommy followed us for lunch then went her own way . tim , tiffy & i walked home played at the playground . & now im home feeling superrr tired . tomorrow ive got chinese tuition at 930 & math tuition at 3 . great . my life is just so fun . received my sjab walkaton card . pleaseee donate to me people ! tong , sabrina , daphne , fareesha & tim , thanks for donating . :DDD anyone who is willing to donate just contact me ! deal or no deal laterr . im addicated to that show . ooh great im having hicups now . shall read a little before deal or no deal starts . byeee .
Saturday, June 02, 2007
one word to describe it all . FUN ! went to jusco for shopping . three hours of shopping but it seemed as tho it was only half an hour ! wanted to get two pairs of shoes but it was considered quite ex . wanted to get two bermuda or however its spelt as but there wasnt size ! wanted to get a pullover but it all looked old . :/ its like it isnt my day to get any stuffs from malaysia !!! seafood lunch , crab , prawns . YUMMY !! chiense dinner , prawns , chicken , mushrooms . first stop was breakfast . food was like local . next stop was to the fruit farm ! we got a chance to test fruits . next stop was to the fish farm ! took a boat to the floating fish farm & surprisingly , i didnt get sea sick ! :DDD & a fish spat water on my head ! hahah . after that , lunch . after that we went shopping at the small small shops . then we made our way to jusco . :DDD after that went for dinner . then we headed back homee . |