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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Monday, August 27, 2007

prelims are over & im in the holiday mood . bleah . had lit today it was alright i guess . wanted to go for breakfast with tong yet i didnt want to . couldnt make up my mind ? it was raining so tong , sab & i walked in the rain . okay my blog is boring . period . i cant wait for nlevels to be over ! i wanna read my storybooks .

you're still not talking to me . how long more must this persist ? im actually sick & tired of everyday seeing your face & you not speaking to me . & when we must go back to school , youre sitting next to me for goodness sake ! unless youre gonna run to your friend & sit with her the whole time . suit yourself .

school is crap . they are depriving me of my holidays . we were suppose to have a break from tuesday to thusday but the damn school is making us go back on wednesday & thrusday ! wtffff . the only difference is we start later than the rest . nonsense i must say . && i study more when im at home compared to when im in school . school is so unproductive .

i must motivate myself to study social studies . i dread all the chapters except the sinhalese & tamil conflict chapter . chinese i would think is a sure fail & i hope im able to understand the passage for english .

i hate life .
the only few things that brightens my life up is
tim , shaheeraa , tong , && storybooks ! :DDD

you look so pretty , yes you do