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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Saturday, April 05, 2008

i just feel like blogging but i have nothing to say. tong, please send me the photos. going out with tim later. was suppose to go running this morning but didn't. school so far has been alright. tong hardly came so i was sitting by myself for practically the whole past two weeks. please do come to school so i have company once again. some stupid event is going on downstairs my block. some woman is singing at the top of her lungs some horrible chinese songs. omigosh! they are playing super old school songs. thank heavens i'm going out. i want an ipod. anyone wants to sell theirs at a cheap price? my stupid mp3 sucks. it can last for less than an hour!! how shit. was just friendster-ing the whole day today. i feel like just laughing non-stop. okay please shut up trisha. shall go & get ready to meet tim. byeeee.