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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gonna meet Love in a bit to shop for Papa's present. In the mean time, I shall blog.

Went for the John Little's sale yesterday. Managed to get my court shoes though it was the last pair. Tomorrow, I will have to collect my uniform and pass for the three days of work during the F1 period.

Watched The Ugly Truth on Saturday. It was super funny. I laughed until I cried. Seriously. I think I laughed the loudest along with the Indian people sitting in front of Tim and me. Wanted to watch The Time Traveller's Wife but sadly they were not showing it anymore.

I want to watch Grey's Anatomy season 5. Can anybody tell me where I can watch it clearly and without waiting so long for it to load please. :)