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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

yay yay yay !! you're mine & im yours ! yippie ! :D

yesterday , came home from school with tim & his godbrother . they send me off to bedok . did some homework , fought with tiffy so badly before going for confession .

met tim at the church bus stop went for the service . attended with tim's godbrother & his sister . saw jackie , tasha , shane , nevin , geraldine , peter , aunty , gladys & many others .

after the service , tim send me home . we slacked awhile , fought . & then POOF ! you went down on your knees & asked me to be your girlfriend ! :D

today , didnt do anything during pe . had chinese compo test . didnt even understand the topic fully . had math quiz . didnt have enough time to complete it .

tomorrow have tuition . malas ! friday , sjab is only an hour !! plus plus we dont have to wear full uniform ! (: & friday , there is a biology test on ecology ! saturday is sjab flag day . please donate people ! okayy im super bored .


Monday, March 26, 2007

today , skipped ss extra lessons with others . tong was feeling sick . i think she puked three times ? get well soon ! met tim . was suppose to meet him at bedok but but he had to be late & in the end , met me at my bus stop . had chinese tuition today . one & a half hours of chinese straight . BLEAHH !

im having sore throat , ulcer && the weather is freaking hot ! im perspiring like shit ! where is my air con when i need it the most . was suppose to get it fixed after cny but now my dad says he will get it fixed after easter . & soon he'll say after christmas ! ahhhhhh . i cant take it anymore . i'll go insane due to the heat ! help meeee .

i feel naggy .
i feel irritating .
i feel like digging my throat out .
i feel like screaming .
i feel like getting rid of the heat .
i want snow !
i want my report book .
i want to go to another country .
i want you ! :D

Sunday, March 25, 2007

helloo world ! :D

yesterday , was super pms-ing . got irritated with everyone . did some math . evening , went to church . grandma & pa plus uncle donald came for dinner .

today , went for breakfast with tim ! :D afternoon , went to kampong glam with family . i was perspiring like one mad dog . super hot ! for lunch , we went to katong had some nice chicken rice . wanted to go bugis tho . ooh wells .

came home , had some huge argument with tim . ooh man im sorry . was scared ! couldnt help it . but but now , everything is fine ! :D

tomorrow , tracy is leaving for puket ! have fun girl ! :D

have not done lit yet . ooh man . super malas to do . didnt do chinese tuition homework too . im having sore throat & ulcer . stupiddd .

ugly betty later . lalala shall watch it then talk on the phone before sleeping . homework is shit . i shall shut up now .

byeeeee ! :D

Friday, March 23, 2007

helloo everyone .

today is the last day of BMW . the school stretched it for a week instead of the usual three days . this is because the school made lessons till 1215 each day except monday & today .

went for sjab as it was two hours ! :D i cant step down next week . ): i must attend about three more sjab sessions before being able to step down . :/ bleahh . ooh wells .

each time we talk to each other , we fight , argue . its tiring . i feel that im alright with yday's problem but once i think about it , i feel all neh all over again . & this morning , i was super disappointed . & now again we fight . why ? cos of that slut ! you shouldnt have said anything about her . you should have just kept quiet !

maybe you like girls who dance . maybe you like girls who go clubbing . wells , i dont dance & i dont club . so if youre not happy with me , then leave . cos im not gonna change who i am . im not gonna act as something which im not . for one , it'd be fake . & two , it wont be me !

im sorry im not her .


Thursday, March 22, 2007

yesterday , we had some nonsense math quiz . it wasnt even related to any of the math topics we learnt ! horrible . after school , went to buy lunch for tim & his bro . tim found of about shit . & the reason why i kept it from you was cos i was afraid you might blow & i really forgot all about it . im sorry !

ooh wells , i am finally aye okay with sabrina . & i feel much better .

today , went for tuition straight after school . didnt have lunch sooo went to K's place to eat sugar cream crackers ! :D daphne was making fun of sabrina which i found super mean . sooo when daphne & i were alone , i talked to daphne about making fun of sab . she didnt know sab can/would feel that way . oooh wells . after tuition , went to some place . had fun ! :D

im feeling shit yet i have no idea why . could it be that that time of the month is coming soon ! ooh man !

if i did it , you'd blow & ask me to delete it . but im not asking you to delete it . im just saying that "hey if i can be okay with it , why cant you" but i guess im not truely okay with it thats why im neh ? or maybe im just thinking too much . if i had just left it as it is & stop thinking , i wouldnt be feeling like this .

shit trisha stop thinking . by thinking , its making you worst . stop please stop . you're making yourself feel all neh . but i cant help me . i tend to think alot . arghhh ! i think my self-esteem is very low . i have no confidence in myself . help ! i need to boost my confidence . i cant continue like this . cos i will only feel that everyone else is greater than me !

ah lah forget about all this . its just me venting . oooh wells . prison break is on later ! cant wait . tho ive watched that episode already im still excited & cant wait .

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

yesterday was the first day of school & it was the first day of BMW . how fun . :/ sat in the small crampy hall for soooo many hours . after school , went to parkway with tong . bought aunty anne's & had some of tong's lunch . :D

was feeling horrible like as tho i was having the flu . kept on sneezing . practically sneezed over hundred times . (this was all due to tiffy waking mom , dad , & me in the middle of the night .) okayy i may be exaggerating . ooh wells . was suppose to meet tim after school but he too wasnt feeling too good . daphne didnt come to school . :/

todayy , we had lessons from 0745 till 1215 . found it quite slack . geog , i actually paid attention ! english had to do some grammar exercise . bio , mrs L didnt come . & for chem , we had a test ! slept practically thru-out the paper . left quite a number blanks . met tim after school & he was with izzy . tim cut his hair ! :D

during the whole trip to bedok interchange , he & izzy kept on laughing & laughing & laughing over something which i didnt know . after izzy left , tim told me what happened . funny & stupid .

daphne & tong both didnt come to school today . so it was just sabrina & me . found out daphne is "sick like a dog" . our class is just wonderful . we tend to do last minute stuffs & thats when we get all united . tho last minute , our class can still be in the finals for some project runway competition thingy !

ooh yes before i forget , went for lunch with tim today . cos my mom went to gaint & left me stranded to find my own lunch. but look on the bright side , managed to spend plenty of time with tim ! :D

Sunday, March 18, 2007

boo !

yesterday , was homework day ! managed to complete all my homework . except my chinese & math tuition homework . && tomorrow is my chinese tuition . bleahh ! oooh wells . & math , i have to complete two math paper ones & ive not even completed one yet .

today , went for 930 mass with timmy ! & finally a sunday we didnt fight . we managed to have breakfast in church . :D reached home & ally called me ! talked for awhile . after that , went for lunch with family at century square . then went to grandma's house . was suppose to do some math there . but failed to do so . then then james & sarah came ! :D sooo played & played with them . adorable ! after awhile , i fell asleep . woke up & it was about 6 plus already . sooo went for dinner with mommy , grndma & pa , & tiffy at changi village . had tim sum or isit dim sum ?

school is tomorrow . one week isnt enough for me ! i need more time to relax . & according to daphne , tomorrow is book & music week . & tong's blog also stated that its book and music week . && yes tomorrow is book & music week ! bleahh . boring !

school here we cooomeeee . ):

Friday, March 16, 2007

yesterday , went for tuition . left early & went to meet mom , dad & tiffy at vivo . saw this pretty fox jeans !! i want it . && we went to eat at carls jr . my first time eating there . had some mushroom thingy . couldnt finish my buger so i ate 3/4 of it . bought my new mp4 ! lalala . & its green ! :D

today , went to tm with tim . caught stomp the yard . the show was niceee . but its like quite expected of what will happen . ooh wells . but overall it was nicee . after that , went to church for stations . you were suppose to follow me but you werent able to make it again as you were not feeling well .

so now im here blogging . tomorrow , is homework day ! i've gotta complete my chinese tuition hmwk , two math test paper ones , social studies - source base , chem - tys , chinese - letter writing . oooh man sooo many things so little time ! && ive yet to start studying . ahhhh .

i want to split myself into sooo many parts . sooo one part of me can go out & relax , another part to exercise ie. swimming , another part to sleep , do my work , study , read my storybook , blah blah blah . oooh man !!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

went to cut my hair ! the back cant really see the difference unless i tie it up . i cut my fringe ! yippie ! okayy today was mainly homework day . managed to complete geog , biology , did abit of social studies . ooh man i didnt do much ! :/ but while i was doing , it felt as tho i completed alot . bleahh .

ooh yes before going to cut my hair , went to pick tiffy up from school . before walking to the bus stop , we went to the mama shop bought sunflower seeds & cheezels .

ooh wells . now im feeling hungry . thinking of whether i should eat my seaweed or should i eat the kuah lapis (or however it is spelt as) my mom bought . shall only eat the cheezels when tiffy is home so i can share with her . okayy i should eat the kuah lapis . its colourful & its staring right at me . okayy done eating .

watched prison break season two last night . one more disc to go & i finish the whole season two ! yippie ! :D ooh wentworth miller is hot ! shall continue watching disc three tonight !!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

today , went out with tim ! was suppose to go east coast but but we didnt have the right stuffs . :/ ooh wells . sooo we spent our day arnd parkway & at russel's house . we first went to the photo shop to get some photos developing , went to have lunch . after lunch we went to some block to slack . :D had fun fun fun . heh . after slacking , went to meet tim's friends , russel & roshan . then we went to collect the photos . it came up to about 62 dollars !

anyways after collecting the photos , we went to russel's place . walked in the rain . slacked there . at first i felt quite left out but eventually they talked to me and they were jokers ! we played cards , watched tv , watched WWE live ! russel & roshan were having a pillow fight && it was violent shit ! tim & i were just laughing & laughing . after dinner at parkway with tim , we made our way to bedok corner to meet my mom , tiffy & grandparents . in the bus , we finally managed to have time for some serious talk . im glad we had it ! :D

ooh man . the week is passing quickly ! & ive yet to start on my homework . :/ man i have loads of homework . ahhhhh trisha dont be lazy . tomorrow im gonna cut my hair , thursday , i have tuition & i might have to leave early & on friday what do i have on ? sooo maybe i shall do my homework later tonight or tomorrow or friday . oooh yes on friday , im going out !! how on earth can i forget ! im gonna watch movie . lalala . :D so that leaves me with tonight & tomorrow for homework . i wanna watch two movies on friday . movies movies . lalala .


Monday, March 12, 2007

today is such an unproductive day . :/ had chinese tuition just now was falling asleep . had a hard time trying to keep my eyes open . after tuition , met tim & we went to the video shop to return my dad's vcd . bought bubble tea & tom yam favoured seaweed . yummy .

last night , in the end , i couldnt keep my eyes open to watch casino royale so i went to sleep . sooo tonight , i shall watch it with tiffy .

i shall do a bit of homework tonight . should i start on geog , english or chinese ? i wanna watch my prison break too . ooh man i feel very out of point . till i have no idea what im talking about . tong is making me pick her new blogskin . cos she cant make up her mind . hahah . the clock one is nicee ah tong . :D

oooh yes tim i had fun ! cant wait for tomorrow !! :D

lalala . i shall shut up now & maybe have my dinner & after dinner i shall have my seaweed i bought just now .

Sunday, March 11, 2007

helloo everyone ! :D

today , went for 930 mass . after mass , we fought again ! this time it was your fault . ooh wells . sooo we didnt go for breakfast again . came home , watched monster house & prison break season two . monster house was nice nice nice . prison break leaves me speechless ! the show is great great great . cant think of words to describe it . well gonna continue watching prison break tonight & casino royale .

went to east coast in the evening with mom , dad & tiffy . we were suppose to brisk walk but in the end , tiffy & i sat in some hut & read our storybooks . haha . for dinner went bedok corner . qued for the fried prawn mee & waited around 40 minutes till it was my turn to order ! :/

after dinner , mom & i went to the opposite block to check something out . couldnt stop laughing ! so now i owe my mom 5 bucks . after that , walked to seven eleven to buy ice cream ! :D

well i want to watch so many shows . stomp the yard , the pursuit of happyness , mr bean's holiday , teenage mutan ninja turtles , because i said so , meet the robinsons && many many mooore !

Saturday, March 10, 2007

well well well , yday didnt go for sjab . met tim helped me carry my box home . when i reached home , i slacked around reading my storybook . did nothing except read . fell asleep at 6 plus . was suppose to go for stations but overslept . woke up at 8 then fell back asleep thru the night . woke up at 8 plus this morning .

today is such an unproductive day . :/ but i managed to complete karib's tuition homework . bukit batok sec paper one . :D suppose to do my chinese tuition hmwk too but felt super malas . went out to help my dad return vcds . met tim & he sent me home . ooh man i found it super sweet as he didnt have any reason to meet me yet he came all the way to meet me . & he spent 2 dollars on bus fare ! hahha . when will you make your ezlink ?

tuesday , our outing . set okayy . & maybe friday too . :D holidays holidays holidays . its here ! lalala . im in the holiday mood . i feel like eating something sweet but not too sweet . im feeling hungry . i feel like running . weird feeling , yes i know but i have no idea why of all things running . okay maybe swimming too . i want to be fit fit fit !

okay my face is officially a world map . tim says that he can see singapore ! horrible person . & now im watching extreme makeover - wedding edition . the wedding is beautiful ! the life about the bride & the groom is so touching . ooh man & now im tearing .

okayy my mom is nagging now . nagging about something i didnt hear her say . ooh man . so irritating . must be pms . bleahh . hate this time of the month when mom is so ARGHH ! stop it . just stop it will you ! stop nagging . its killing meee !


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

oooh yes i failed my KOTO test . ooh wells just as what i expected . :D

yay ! finally after 3564215 years , i managed to swap stories with tina . ooh man girl you've gotta tell me more stories . keep me updated . & i'll do the same ! :D i still love you tina !!

well today during pe , it was super slack . we had to run two rounds around the soccer feild but a bunch of us ended up walking the whole two rounds . later , we were suppose to play any ball games such as soccer , netball or basketball . mr G dissappeared to see to the 2.4km girls . the rest of us who passed it already , slacked around . we talked , lied down on the courtyard , played pass the ball , played all sorts or cacat games ! haha . ohh wells . mr L was kuku during math just now . he was being mean to fareesha . hahaha . poor girl . & we were laughing at her .

tong didnt come to school again . so i took home all of her stuffs . passed it to tim as he was going to meet her for me . went home with simon & tim . after sooo long , i am finally spending time with yoou .

holidays are coming !! i cant wait . i can actually catch up on my sleep . & im gonna study ! heh . im actually gonnna really study & catch up with all the subjects that im lagging behind . (which is mainly all) .

i feel my skin peeling . its rough . mainly my face . my back is itchy & i cant stop myself from scratching . ooh man . i dont want my face looking like a "world map" . daphne said my face would be like a world map . :/

i need new clothes --
i need a new jacket --
i need a new bag --
i need a new haircut --
i need a new phone --
i need better results --
i need to watch prison break season two --

ooh wells . i feel happy today . i dont know why . my mood seems quite cheerful & im smiling to myself now ! psycho , i know . well i dont feel like going for sjab this friday . gotta carry my books home . & i have got plenty of books ! plus after sjab , i've gotta go to church for stations & i dont want to carry a box filled with books to church ! ohh wells i will think of something . :D

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

back from grandpa's chalet last night . have plenty of photos . yday , swam for about six hours ! i like my colour . but i must suffer now due to the burnt !

went to school today . such a slack day . we only had constructive four periods of lessons . :/ i passed math & ss ! :D my face is burning right now . today when i went to school in the morning , so many people were asking me what happened to my face . cos i am red like a lobster . :/ only six out of so many people who commented said i looked better with this new tan . bleah .

i wanted you to see my tan but we didnt meet . & now we're fighting . how fun . it isnt my fault that we didnt meet . we've been fighting quite a lot recently . could it be that this is a very rocky stage of our relationship , or could it be that we're both tired & grumpy . or maybe it could even be because our love isnt there ? ):

im burnt all over ! my lips , face is terrible , back , legs , arms , scalp , everywhere ! &&& i feel like quitting choir . now there are even rules on dresscode . i feel like its quite screwed . no spec or tank tops . if you wear those tops , must have a jacket over . & on special occasions, we must wear a cassock (or however its suppose to be spelt as) over our nice nice clothes . ooh wells . will consider if im gonna quit anot .

well enjoy the pics . its not much cos i pick & chose those nice ones . :D

Sunday, March 04, 2007

off to grandpa's chalet .

byeee ! :D

Saturday, March 03, 2007

woke up at 7am . now im super tired . wanna sleep . KOTO test was shit . sure fail . tried copying yet after looking at the oas for too long , became giddy . haha . ooh wells . looks like i've got to take it again next year . :/

after the test , mrt-ed to bedok to meet tim . had lunch . was feeling queasy , neh-ed . ooh man . this happens to us every single day ! we fight & fight & fight nonstop . when will this end ! you just showed me attitude cos i said something wrong . dont tell me you've never said something so wrong that it hurt me like shit before . you cant even forgive me . IM SORRY ! i really am .

we always end up with a fight . when can we ever be happy & not fight . im so tired of fighting . when will this stop ! you always make me cry time & time again . yet each time , i forgive you & give you a second chance . why wont you do the same . i believe in second chances but i have given you too many chances that i think you're taking it for granted .

you dont love me . if you do , you would stop fighting with me . im exhausted from all the fighting that have taken place for the last few days . we have not had a decent conversation in ages .

can you ever be a fairy tale prince ? where the prince is so ideal , so gentlemanly , so everything !


Friday, March 02, 2007

just reached home . went for sjab & stations today . lalala i feel holy . tomorrow have some KOTO test . its about the history of st johns ! how fun . :/

i passed my chinese ! its a first in my four years of secondary school life ! :D yay . did alright for bio . did badly for chem , horribly for english , passed lit ! HAHA . & i thought i was going to fail . oooh man im doing so bad for this ca .

today sjab was so slack . we only studied for our KOTO test . & we learnt the new CPR . school was alright . yday felt like a friday when it was actually a thrusday ! its been long since i've blogged . or maybe it feels like its been long . ooh my im crapping .

have plenty of homework . chinese teacher remembered about the holiday homework & we have to hand it in by monday ! it consist of 2 compo , 4 letter writing , & newspaper articles . there is geog resources worksheet , & what else uh ?

had morning exercise today . ooh tong , sharifah , & i enjoyed ourselves . laughing & laughing non-stop . ooh ooh & tong was neh at her today . cos neh was being offensive ! HAHHA . oooh tong .

you were suppose to follow me to stations . till i told you that my mom was coming along , you busted me & didnt turn up . despite me giving you so many hints that i wanted you there , you didnt appear . thru-out the whole service , i was looking at the door hoping you'd pop by , but to my disappointment , you didnt turn up . it made me super cacat without you knowing . i pretended that everything was fine to not make you feel bad . but its making me feel all queasy inside !