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trisha juliana lazaroo
8th november 1991

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

saw the psycho man yday in the one-nine-six again . & i was with tong .the both of us were scared he might act all weird & disturb us . HAHAH . will fail chemistry . biology might do okay . today had literature . ooh man sure fail . didnt really understand the poem . :/ im so screwed . i failed my english by half a freaking mark !! & i couldnt squeeze any marks out . :/

tong was being ncie today & didnt cab home . izzy was being a nice friend to tim & waited with tim at the bus stop for me . we four took one-nine-seven home . tong went her own way , izzy went to meet sarah , tim sent me home . :D

tomorrow is chinese & im actually gonna study for it ! like im gonna try to absorb as much as i can into my small little brain . just finished lunch . had double cheese buger . wanted mac-chicken instead . mommy is gonna book a chalet for grandpa's brithday ! (((:

i seem to be thinking that i would fail most of my subjects this year . ooh man i cant have that attitude .
i need to study !

trisha be more discipline & start studying .
but my books produce sleeping gas . :/

Saturday, February 24, 2007

today , did nothing much . studied a little bit of biology . such an unproductive day . :/ well i was suppose to complete studying biology & chemistry by today . ooh wells . fought with him in the afternoon. but as usual , we got over it . :D

last night while waiting for tim to reach home , was super bored till i started looking for pictures on hot guys . mainly adam brody , chad michael murray , channing tatum , josh hartnett & wentworth miller . today , i continued my search for more pictures ! they make me go oohlala . :D couldnt make up my mind on which photos to put up as there were so many to chose from !


Friday, February 23, 2007

hmmm well i shall blog today . am suppose to be studying now but was falling asleep . ohh wells . completed all my homework . ooh im so proud of myself ! :D

homework :
1. chem worksheets
2. english compo
3. xizi

i aim to complete studying biology today & complete my chinese tuition homework . tomorrow i shall study chemistry & i dont understand a thing ! the teacher cant teach at all . i am always looking out for her rashes cos its so distracting . :/

today had geography & social studies ca . i am so gonna fail geography . & im gonna do badly for social studies . ahhhh . cas shall all die !

today , went for lunch with tim . :D tong was suppose to tag along but she went home last minute . on the way to bedok interchange in the one-nine-six , tong & i saw the scary guy again ! eeyer . i think he is a pedophile as he kept on looking at these two sec one girls . scary !

okayy i think i shall go & wash my face & continue with my work . or maybe use match sticks to keep my eyes open . this is such an accomplished friday . i used my time fully tho i didnt go for sjab . they wanted us to wear full uni today plus i'd be feeling uncomfy thru-out the whole three hours . so im in the comfort of my home doing my work . :D

oooh yes & nlevels seems to be getting closer each day ! ahhh . i need to get myself in the study mood . if not i'd not get my three points . i want three points for nlevels !!

nlevel dates :
3rd september - chinese papers one & two
4th september - chinese listening compre + social studies
5th september - english papers one & two
1st october - coregeog papers one & two + math paper one
2nd october - biology papers one & two + chemistry papers one & two
3rd october - math paper two
5th october - elective literature


Thursday, February 22, 2007

today had english ca . they were speaking in another language . damn i think im gonna fail english . tomorrow is social studies and geography . im gonna fail my geography ! the whole day , i've been watching tv , eating , walking around my house , talking on the phone , & now im online ! :D im doing everything except studying my geography !

for the past few days have not been online . was hooked to prison break ! oooh wentworth miller makes me go oohlala ! his eyes are lovely . when can i get season two ? i want it now .

finally after ten years i watched a movie on tuesday . ghost rider ! the young johnny is super cute ! the old johnny is so macho ! hahah . oooh man .

baby , you're the one for me . :D

Saturday, February 17, 2007

yday , the katong school children came to celebrate cny with us . those adorable little things ! :D today , had reunion dinner . studied in the morning & afternoon . nothing much happened . well i have photos from yday . so enjoy ! :D

Thursday, February 15, 2007

im not important to you , i know it .
your friends come first , i feel it .
you are treating me differently , i see it .

couldnt you just spend three dollars to come & see me . instead you chose to spend around four dollars on your friends . if you dont want to spend so much money , go & make your bloody ez-link ! & tonight , we wont even be talking . at the moment , you wont even care if i am home anot . cos all you care about now are your friends . you being all excited to "study" with them . im sure yall will study .

you know who you are , whom this post is refering to . cos i think its quite obvious . i didnt want to tell you how i felt on the phone was afraid you might end up not going with your friends & blaming me . i can really sense that youve lost interest in me . well if you really have , please do let me know . no point lying to me & yourself .

you hate the present i gave you . but youre just pretending to like it . stop it ! just stop putting up an act infront of me . i think ive had enough & should be told the truth . you dont love me & you would rather spend a day with your friends than me . maybe to you , im a boring bitch whom youre so sick & tired of .

well if you dont know how to appreciate me , let me go & im sure someone else would know how to appreciate me better . now im telling you this , i dont deserve this kind of treatment . ive been thru so much . so much of your nonsense & now i think i cant take it anymore tho im still trying very hard to keep my emotions all in .

i just feel like busting into tears , crying my eyeballs out , cos there is so much bottled up inside me . youve got no idea how much of mixed emotions i am having all locked up inside me . no one has the key to open up that un-unlocked lock .

i know what i want , & thats you . i want you .
youre the one who dont know what you exactly want .

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

happy valentine's day ! :D

spent my valentine's with tim . rushed to tm after school to get his gift . super last minute . :/ after everything , rushed to meet tim . had a great time .

thanks for the present , thanks for the great day spent . :D

i dont want to leave you . but you make it seem as tho you want to end it . i told you to go for training but you didnt want to go . you're cacat now that you might lose the chance of being the leader or some nonsense . im sorry but it isnt my fault .

i still love you

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

i wasnt the one who started it . she was the one . yet it always boils down to me . when she is the one being rude to me , you get angry with me cos you only hear me shouting at her . once she slapped me , all you could do was to just talk to her nicely telling her to apologise . you didnt even punish her !

today , i was actually helping her in her work . half way thru , she went to do her own nonsense & left me sitting there . after she finished her own shit , she expected me to help her in her work when i was doing my own things . i asked her to bring the work to me . made a big fuss but eventually brought it to me . after bringing it to me , she just walked away to read her storybook while i crack my brains to help her .

after that , you be all rude to me . saying that i act as tho im an A student . please lahh . after me helping you & stuffs , you be all rude to me . you think i like it ? you go & see other people's younger slibings . they are so loving .

well look at us ! loving , NOT . :/

Saturday, February 10, 2007

how could you forget something so inportant . this proves that i'm not as important to you as how i thought i was . you forgot our outing tomorrow & went to plan something else . soon you'll even forget that im your valentine & ask someone else . maybe you'd forget that we were going out on valentine's day & you plan an outing with your friends , or you might even work on that day .

im not important to you & i know it . dont try covering up for yourself now . everything you ever told me was a lie i guess . blame it on my stupid-ness to even believe you . maybe i like you so much that i cant help myself but forgive you time & time again , until you take me for granted .

im sorry but this time it isnt my fault at all .

Friday, February 09, 2007

sec two days with my darling ! (:

i've got a best friend who left me here in s'pore . & her name is shaheeraa ! i love her to bits till now . but sadly she loves her bf more . she cant be replaced . cos there is only one shaheeraa . she knows all my nonsense . she has seen me in my happiest moments & my worst moments . she gave me advice when needed .

i remember once in class we fought about smth dumb then i smsed you saying "sorry" . hahah ! that was when we were like sec two . ooh gosh those days are missed dearly by me . we used to talk on the phone practically every night & when you left , we made drastic changes .

i still can remember the scene at the airport when we were sending you off . cried like shit . but before going to the airport , i remember meeting you at seven-zero-three . we hugged & cried .

do remember twelve-of-may long johns . your first , second & third friends . mr L , mr N , mr F . ooh gosh ! hahha . mustn't forget these things !

i really treasure this friendship we have . it means alot to me . like having someone whom i can tell EVERYTHING to . the feeling is great ! you're irriplaceable . you made my sec one & two life interesting ! tho nothing last forever , but i believe that this friendship will last forever . & even if it doesn't , having this kinda friendship makes everything right . :D

i love you shaheeraa ! (:

Thursday, February 08, 2007

today , when i was on my way home from tuition , was at my grandma's bus stop & saw these two little malay girls . arnd two to three years of age . super adorable ! & i think when they grow up , they would be pretty . their hair was so nice and soft . i think they are twins ? they look super alike .

during tution , my eyes were slowly but surely closing . it was boring as daphne wasnt there ! on my way to tuition , faiqah was telling me story then she had to be so kpo & listen too when faiqah wasnt even talking to her ! then when faiqah stopped awhile , she told faiqah this "go on , continue your story ." she is ahhhh !

tong told me something neh about her today . ooh gosh i cant believe you'd even tell him about tong smsing his brother . how horrible can you get . & its naive to think that "if you sms an opposite sex you'd like them" i think its dumb ! grow up man . you're so old yet you still think that way . gosh . seriously grow up !

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

happy birthday tong tong ! :D

you're loved by me ! (:

Monday, February 05, 2007

i appreciate it ! :D

Sunday, February 04, 2007

ladies !
picture perfect ! (:
smile more ! :D
your smile is H O T ! my hands felt weird /: the birthday girl & me ! (:
choir !
sabrina ! your face is hidden .

yesterday was tong's sweet sixteen party . met tim in the afternoon , went tm to get tong's present . later we rushed down to pasir ris to meet carissa & ally and we walked to costa sands pasir ris ! (: met tong , she looked niceee !

at first , felt quite neh till russel , nevin & peter came along . talked talked talked to them . laughed like shit . they made me feel like i belong ? a feeling i've not felt when im arnd them .

so many things happened last night . nevin had a plan which i thought was sweet but it didnt happen . tim was being sweet as he knew he would feel left out until russel & all arrive , yet he still followed me to the party ! (:

i appreciate it !

after everything , russel sent tim , peter , nevin & me home in his comfy comfy van . it was super cool ! nevin alighted first , then russel dropped peter , tim & i at the same stop & we headed our own way . tim followed me as he wanted to make sure im safe ! (:

i looked fat yesterday !! ): my face seemed super pong . took some photos yesterday . cant say its alot . cos i didnt take much . /: ooh wells . just enjoy the photos ! (:

Friday, February 02, 2007

sense of hearing :
  • moaning
  • groaning
  • squirming ?

firstly , squirming cant be heard .

secondly , squirming means :
to twist about in a wriggling, snakelike motion;
to feel or exhibit signs of humiliation or embarrassment.

"mistakes guys make" by trisha (:

the mistakes guys make :

  • never listens
  • leave girls dangling
  • let their ego get in the way
  • controls too much .

okay i feel super random today . tomorrow is tong tong's sweet sixteen party . lalala . boys will always be boys . such neh-neh-poks . anyone who agrees with me say "yeah !"

i love you (: